Motorola Announces Ready For, a Samsung DeX Rival for the Edge +

When Samsung DeX debuted on the Galaxy S8, it showed us that our smartphones are more powerful than we give credit for, and that they can become productivity tools for big cards when paired with a larger screen. Motorola has now introduced its own mobile desktop experience called Ready For, and it sounds promising.

If this sounds familiar to you, you probably remember the 2011 Atrix 4G, which tried unsuccessfully to bridge the gap between phone and computer. The idea was solid, but unfortunately the technology available at the time was not quite ready yet. Now Moto wants to try it again, and after hinting at this project last year, it’s becoming available for the Edge +.

To use Ready For, you need a TV or monitor that supports USB-C input or HDMI, so unless your TV is from the Stone Age, it should be compatible. Once paired, you can use the phone as a trackpad and keyboard or pair Bluetooth accessories instead.

Starting April 19, you can order the Amazon Ready For Dock, which can hold your phone at any desired angle and has a built-in fan to keep the Edge + cool. The main advantage of the dock is to make video calls. With the phone paired on your TV, you can sit back and watch your loved ones on the big screen while using the rear cameras of the phone to make sure everyone you call gets a good picture. If you work but want to call someone at the same time, it is also possible. You can display the call on the phone as normal while working from the external screen. The prices for the dock have not yet been announced.

Motorola says a TV launcher is built into the app, making any screen a smart TV. I can see that it is especially useful for people who go to work regularly and have to stay in hotels regularly. Instead of packing a Chromecast and performing the Wi-Fi setup in each new location, you can plug your phone into the TV. Games can also be played, but you want to make sure you have your favorite controller support; trying to play something that only accepts touch input on a TV can become uncomfortable.

An OTA that enables these features was released this week for the Verizon Edge + and also includes Android 11, which has many new features.
