Mother of Rafael Amaya’s supuesta hija lo desenmascara

Exclusive to ‘Ventaneando’ Elizabeth Gálvez, quien afirma haber procreado una hija con Rafael Amaya, desenmascara a la mother of the actor, despite being negara no conocer a su supuesta nieta, who is currently 26 years old.

“I want to make it clear that what he says is true, if there are any of us who are of this type of… now that you have accepted to be with him and that he is the one who has given me much, because he is not the one who says he is the one if she does not have a marriage with me, she always has sex with me, she has sex with her husband, hecho, she sees the comment that the husband was interned in San Diego, that she has cancer, and she always I have the number of my hija, my hija has always searched for the manner of doing so on his father, with all that he has with his parents, I do not know why the tenor has to argue that he is not veridic ”.

And so it is not, the mother of Amaya’s experienced wife makes sure that the fathers of this have the right to have contact with the young Yomairi Amaya.

Desenmascaran 'n Rafael Amaya

“The last few weeks are spent with my wife, until the teacher has done her work with me, and the master”

Finally, Elizabeth declared that Yomairi always wanted to be close to her father, because she hopes that soon, Rafael will be a very noble person.

“It is that he is always a very noble person, that he is always strong, the love of a hijo is unconditional, that he wears braces on his hija, that his hija loves him, he loves unconditionally”.

Desenmascaran 'n Rafael Amaya
