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The guardian

Trump accusation: Democrats formally accuse president of inciting insurgency

* Trump to become the first president to be arrested twice * Pelosi: Trump a ‘disturbed, fearless, dangerous president’ * US politics – direct coverage Donald Trump faces a historic second indictment after Democrats in House of Representatives formally charged him with one count of ‘incitement to rebellion’ over the riot in Capitol Hill. Five people were killed in the attack last week, which prompted Trump when he told supporters to “fight like hell” in his attempt to overthrow the election defeat by Joe Biden. Emerging video footage showed how close the crowd was to a potentially deadly confrontation with members of Congress. On Monday, security officials scrambled to ensure that Biden’s inauguration next week would not be harmed by further violence. ABC News said it had received an internal FBI bulletin outlining plans for ‘armed protest’ and that the ‘storm’ of state, local and federal courthouses and buildings across the country as Trump before the time of the may be removed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called Trump “a disturbed, fearless, dangerous president” in an interview Sunday, began a two-part plan: “The president’s threat to America is urgent, and our action will be as well, ” In an initial resolution, Vice President Mike Pence was asked to remove Trump under the 25th Amendment. A clause in the amendment, which has never been invoked before, describes how members of the cabinet can agree to remove a president under extreme circumstances. . Pence, a staunch loyalist to the height of Trump’s attempt to overthrow the election, does not suggest he wants to take such a step. Republicans in the House duly blocked the Democratic resolution, but followed by an article on the accusation calling the incitement: of insurrection ”. Trump is accused of “committing major crimes and transgressions by inciting violence against the United States government” and thus violating his oath of office. The article mentions the ban on the 14th amendment against any person who likes an uprising or uprising against the US of “[ing] any office … under the United States. The House can bring the single article to the floor by mid-week for a vote. Democrat Congressman David Cicilline of Rhode Island, who introduced the measure, tweeted that Democrats now have enough votes to pass it and accuse Trump a second time – a first in U.S. history. But to remove him, conviction in the Senate will be necessary. The Senate is in recess until after the inauguration, and Democratic leaders have said they will not take the charge until Biden’s government has had time to get candidates confirmed and pass key legislation in the first 100 days. A small number of Republicans in the Senate and House have joined the Democrats’ attempt to remove Trump, arguing that even with – or especially with – so little time left in his term, a danger to Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a key figure in Trump’s first indictment tweeted: ‘Every day that Trump stays in office, he is a threat to our democracy. Congress must act, and with urgency. ‘Some Republicans have indicated support this time, but there are still about a dozen needed for success. Trump was indicted in December 2019 on two counts and acquitted in February 2020. Senators found him innocent of abuse of power by a 52-48 score and not guilty of obstructing Congress at 53-47. Mitt Romney of Utah was the only Republican to vote guilty – on a charge of abuse of power. If Trump is convicted after leaving office, the Senate could decide to punish him by withholding him from seeking office, as opponents fear. his plan in 2024. Since the attack on the U.S. Capitol, the president has withdrawn from public view and banned himself on Facebook and Twitter, condemned by former allies and vowed not to attend Biden’s inauguration on January 20. -throated calls from Democrats for his removal from office – and gentle backlash from some Republicans demanding a national unity after their attempt to overthrow the November election – have yielded one of the worst acts of violence on Capitol Hill in two centuries. There are now signs that the hardline Trump loyalists are once again planning to march to the Capitol on the inauguration day, in an event dubbed online as “A Million Militia March”. The FBI has arrested dozens of participants in the past week’s rioting and distribution of wanted posters of suspects, which could have dampened participation in another protest, but with nine days to go after the inauguration, officials planned to to secure the area. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser has asked the Department of Homeland Security to put new restrictions in place and urged people to avoid the city on January 20th. The Pentagon, FBI, secret service and other agencies have reportedly been placed on standby and the national guard said it would increase troops in Washington to at least 10,000 by Saturday. The National Park Service has temporarily closed the Washington Monument “in response to credible threats to visitors and park resources.” The inauguration will be attended by Barack and Michelle Obama, George and Laura Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Biden, incoming Vice President Kamala Harris, and their families will be reunited with former presidents and their families during a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, ABC reports. Such plans were made while the country was struggling to process the violence. New Jersey’s 75-year-old Democratic congressman Bonnie Watson Coleman said last week that five died and dozens were injured. On Monday, New Jersey’s 75-year-old Democratic congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman said she tested positive for coronavirus and believed she became infected while locked up in the Capitol during those hours. riot last week with colleagues who did not wear face masks. Coleman is awaiting a more comprehensive Covid test and notes that she has already received the first uptake of the two-dose vaccine.
