more Venezuelan military mueren in enfrentamientos

(CNN Español) – The Ministry of Defense of Venezuela informs this about the murmured sargentos of the detonation of a mine activated by “irregular Colombian armed groups” in the state of Apure, frontier with Colombia, should not have its registration varios enfrentamientos in the last days. With this, he is the quarter of the Venezuelan military that he lost his life in these high places during the last days.

The violent haberdasher detonation, following the governorate of Venezuela, when the militaries were transferred on a patrol by the municipality of José Antonio Páez de Apure. In the same incident, the communication said, resulting in another military outing, which is receiving medical treatment.

The Ministry of Defense supports in the document that these groups “claim to illegally occupy sectors of the Venezuelan geographical space in order to develop their criminal activities”. Agree to have the day before the balance of the operation “Escudo Bolivariano 2021” includes a new “terrorists” neutralized, 31 detainees preventive and could have a military tribunal and a woman who, afirman, will be presented “in the next hours” ante el mismo juzgado. It also includes its deactivated explosive artifacts, as well as new destroyed campsites, including one for the cocaine pasta process. In the field of operation, too, arms and other equipment will be decommissioned.

The communiqué does not clarify what manner of habrían sido “neutralizados” ni tampoco bajo qué cargos se realizaron las detenciones.

Bestry continues «hasta cuando sea necesario»

The final official statement affirms that we will continue the fighting “until it is necessary to neutralize those who are ignorant, if they are given”.

While Maduro’s questioned governor is responsible for Colombia’s violence, Bogotá rejects the allegations. On one occasion, the administration of Ivan Duque accused all Venezuelan officials of having to deal with FARC disputes, such as these.

Since the Venezuelan and Colombian authorities have been informed, these reports have been reported to me since March 21st. Colombian Migration Figures published on Wednesday by an estimated 4,741 people living in Venezuela and living in Arauquita in 19 hostels.

Liberan in periodicals and activists who establish detainees in Apure

The correspondents of the Colombian media NTN24 Luis Gonzalo Pérez and Rafael Hernández and the activists of the non-governmental Venezuelan organization Fundaredes Juan Carlos Salazar and Diógenes Tirado, denenidos desde de miercoles en el fronterizo estado Apure de Venezuela, Venezuela, Venezuela.

“We will give you telephone calls, cameras to work on the press and documentation”, writes Tarazona.

The official Twitter account of NTN24 assigns a Venezuela también confirmation el hecho. “The families lograron hablar with one of them”, is written from the account.

The director of the Penal Forum, Gonzalo Himiob, said in his Twitter account that he is free “without presentation”. Además affirmo se encuentran en Guasdualito, la ultima ciudad ciudad import de Apure antes de la limitrofe con Arauca en Colombia.

The Venezuelan National Guard detainees periodicists and activists while “conducting documentation work”, according to Fundaredes.

CNN intended to decorate the Defense Minister de Venezuela.
