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The week

Congress can award the greatest honor to Eugene Goodman, Capitol. But he was not the only ‘hero’.

A bipartisan group of three members of the House said on Thursday that they would nominate Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman for the Gold Medal of Congress, the highest civilian honor given to Congress because he was during a siege. of January 6 against a crowd of rioters in the Capitol. to possibly save the Senate. “He’s a hero!” said Representative Charlie Crist (D-Fla.), who is proposing the resolution along with Representatives Nancy Mace (RS.C.) and Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.). According to a video by Igor Bobic, HuffPost, the Senate began evacuating a minute after Goodman lured a crowd of rioters from a nearby door to the room. Goodman is serving in Iraq’s 101st Army Air Force, but little is known about him and The Associated Press reports that he’s not saying anything in public – not to reporters, not on social media, but Goodman is not the only officer who showed heroism during the siege of the mob, and several reinforcements of the DC Metropolitan police involved in the battle at the West Terrace told their disturbing stories to The Washington Post. One Capitol police officer was killed by the rioters and nearly 60 DC police officers and an unknown number of Capitol police officers were injured. Michael Fanone, a 40-year-old officer, was filmed and blown up with metal pipes and flagpoles after the West Terrace crowd dragged him. with the entrance’s stairs down. “We fought 15,000 people,” not 50, he told the Post. “It looked like a medieval battle scene.” After the mob beat him with a stun gun, the Post added: “Fanone had a mild heart attack and was driven out of consciousness.” Officer Daniel Hodges, 32, was caught in another viral video with his head broken in a door. . Rebels tried to stick out his eyes before even reaching the West Terrace tunnel, he told the Post. “The zeal of these people is absolutely unreal,” he said, adding that he did not want to draw his gun “because I knew they had guns – we grabbed guns all day” – and “we would have lost A firefight, with rows of boring DC officers, then jurisdictions, repulsed the rioters for hours in hand-to-hand fighting, and West Terrace was “one of the few places where police prevented rioters from breaking through.” reports the Post. “If the rioters had succeeded, authorities would have said thousands of more people could have flowed into the Capitol, with potentially catastrophic consequences.” Read more war stories and watch the disturbing videos at The Washington Post. More stories from Trump reportedly began a ‘choreography’ of premature victory speeches weeks before the election, allegedly worrying about more controversial cartoons about Trump’s second accusation of GOP. Trump House members could distance themselves elect the Senate, the Governor
