More than 50 people killed in train crash in Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan.

At least 51 people Murieron and more than 140 soldiers were taken to hospital, said the National Bombers’ Agency of Taiwan. A vehicle maintenance vehicle had caused the accident to happen on a stairway and overturned the train just before entering the tunnel near the Hualien Coast Guard, the authorities said.

“I have a construction vehicle that has not been parked correctly and is decommissioned for life,” said Hualien police chief Tsai Ding-hsien.

“It is suspected that the conductor did not pull the strong man’s brake, because the vehicle was about 20 meters away from the train tracks”, declared the Deputy Director of Taiwan Railway Authority, Feng Hui-sheng.

Photos of local media tomadas on display show the part of a trail of a yellow platform truck near the train. President Tsai Ing-wen ordered hospitals to prepare for receiving many victims, according to his office.

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“The absolute priority now is to gather the trapped people”, indicated his official in a statement. The accident took place at 09H30 (01H30 GMT) on the Taiwan Oriental Line.

The images published by the local media UDN show that the part of the train in the interior of the tunnel habia quedado devastada. Taiwan’s Cruz Roja de diffundi also has images of socorrists with helmets and lanterns lined by the techno of the main train inside the tunnel to read to the survivors.

“Violent and Repentant Sacred”

The passengers of the trace part of the powder convoy salir comparatively ilesos of accident. “Sentí como si hubiera habido una violenta y repentina sacudida y caí al suelo”, verklaar una mujer a la cadena de televisión. “Rompimos la ventana para subir al techo del tren y salir”.

The accident coincides with the commencement of the annual Timbas limping festival, a long holiday weekend that covers the carriages and railroad cars of the country.

During this period, the residents generally regress to their birthdays in order to repair the wounds of their families and make sacrifices. The railway line of this Taiwanese state is an attractive tourist attraction because it is sparsely populated and less expensive in the eastern part of the country.

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Travels of multiple tunnels and bridges surpentea the mountains and spectacular spectacles before descending through the valley of Huadong. The accident on the roads is one of the worst disasters in Taiwan in Taiwan.

The ultimate great downside repair in 2018, when he killed 18 people in the extreme on the same line. The driver of this train of cars was accused of homicide by negligence. More than 200 of the 366 pasajeros resultaron heridos.

This accident took place in 1991, when 30 passengers were killed and 112 were injured in a collision between trains in Miaoli. The Apple Daily diary states that the worst accident in Iceland occurred in 1948 and killed 64 people.
