More than 400 implications and 48 paises. Desarticulan en Colombia banda colombo-italiana de infografil

Infantile pornography gang in various countries of the world and was led by Colombia.  Photo: Police.
Infantile pornography gang in various countries of the world and was led by Colombia. Photo: Police.

The Colombian public force, in collaboration with the Italian police lograron desmantelar una banda que, desde Colombia, lideraba una porn de pornography y contenido sexan niños mediante WhatsApp en América, África y Europa. The four individuals captured are delinquent in the cybernetic way in Popayán, Medellín, Pereira and Cartagena.

Infantile porn band.  Photo: Police.
Infantile porn band. Photo: Police.

The Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Police, the INTERPOL and the General Taxation of the Nation adalantaron the operation ‘Luna Park’, which logs the apprehension of these criminals. In agreement with the Colombian authorities, international investigators are taking months to follow up on this case, by the way, from Rome alerting the Colombian Police to take pictures of it.

From part of advertising, The national authorities are winning the research and logging to retrieve 351 cellular numbers of people who, from other countries, buy videos, photos and demas material in which minor edad eran abused sexually. In total, according to the Order’s forces, more than 400 are involved.

Infantile porn band.  Photo: Police.
Infantile porn band. Photo: Police.

Según la Policía, the Mayor of uncontaminated content is produced in Colombian territory, from Thursday, mediating groups close to WhatsApp and other messaging applications, Diffuse the audiovisual pornographic material in the supremacist nipples of all types.

“With these captures being part of one of the most memorable speeches of those who are connected, dedicated to the corruption of minors and child pornography in the world,” he said.a Dijin de la Policía Nacional.

The public force has been behind the track of this time cartel of pedophilia from many months ago, informs the Police, Thank you to the telephone numbers that logarithm identifies in the first instance, obtuvieron the ubicacion of 4 of the members of the band that delinquían in Colombia.

“It is an operation carried out by Italian authorities in four cities against people who use sexually explicit material in violation of oaths. Pudimos find abundant material of sexual abuse in minors, the realization of various applications inducing the minors to realize different activities in order to be commercialized ”, on Blue Radio the coronel Ivan Mauricio Pardo, jefe of the INTERPOL Colombia.

After apprehending the captured quarters in Popayán, Medellín, Pereira and Cartagena, the authorities are directing to their living quarters and finding a large quantity of probationary material. Agreed with the Police, find cameras, cellular, computers, tablets, Ipods, USB and other electronic devicess with the grababan, distribuían and commercialize the sexual content that involucraba to nines and adolescents of different nationalities.

Infantile porn band.  Photo: Police.
Infantile porn band. Photo: Police.

The material, which is currently being found in the hands of the authorities, will serve as evidence that the permits will continue with the investigations and will find other members of this band that are involved in various United States countries such as Canada, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela; in the same way, in nations of Africa and Europe as Egypt, Morocco, Niger, South Africa. And Asia: Arabia Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Emirates Arabia, Burmania, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Yemen, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, England, Netherlands, Portugal and Czech Republic.

The “Operation Luna Park” has a primary chapter in Europe in December 2020, according to the Postal Policy of the city italiana de Milán identified 81 Italians, accused of buying and distributing child pornography. The Italian police forces have produced more than 300 records in 18 of the twenty Italian regions, which were classified as one of the largest operations carried out in these countries against the child pornography of the last years.

It is alleged that 159 WhatsApp and Telegram groups shared photos and videos of sexual abusers and nieces and nephews, and accused of belonging to a criminal organization.

Among the winners are students, students, anniversaries, staff, employees and employees, including a university professor of Naples for 71 years and a member of 20 residents of Venice, who are the organizers of the social events groups searching “clients” in any part of the world

Colombian authorities are exhorting family fathers who denounce anyone related to pedophilia in child pornography on the web portal ‘A Denunciar’, the source who agrees with what the police have been informed, is designed to attend to all citizens and fight against crime.

In addition, the authorities impose on the mayors of edad are more dependent on the mobile devices that use the minors of edad to control these lamentable hechos and avoid that more minors of edad are victims of pedophilia around the world.


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