More than 2 million Wisconsinites have the first dose of COVID vaccine; the daily number of cases exceeds 1K for the first time in 2 months

4 08 21 Covid 19 By The Numbers Wi

MADISON, Wis. According to the state Department of Health Services, the number of Wisconsinites receiving at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine is 2 million higher.

Nearly 3.3 million doses of vaccine have been administered across the state since shots were first taken in December.

A total of 2,038,670 people received their first dose of vaccine, which is 35% of the state’s population. Health officials said 1,276,478 completed the vaccine range, or 21.9% of residents.

Vaccinatedwisconsin County 9

The seven-day average positive percentage per test had a slight increase to 3.8%, according to DHS data.

Wisconsin reported 1,046 new cases of the virus, a marked increase in the case of Wednesday, and well above the seven-day moving average of 733. The daily number of cases has not exceeded more than 1,000 since February 11th. .

The state has reached a total of 582,843 confirmed cases, and more than 8,100 of them remain active.

The DHS launched a new COVID variant panel on its website on Thursday. On the updated page, the occurrence of variants across the state is explained. As of Thursday afternoon, 216 cases of the California variant have been identified in Wisconsin.

At least 6,667 people have died from coronavirus complications, with 14 new deaths reported on Thursday. An additional 77 have been admitted to hospital in the past 24 hours, tripling the number of hospitalizations on Wednesday.

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