More than 14,000 minor immigrants and custodians of EE.UU., revela gobierno

(CNN) –– The governor of EE.UU. currently has more than 14,000 immigrant minorities in its custody, revealing these governor’s officials. Pese insisted that what had happened on the frontier with Mexico did not constitute a “crisis”.

The most recent figures are known to President Joe Biden and his principal assessors working in an emergency to get solutions to the frontier situation. Between them, the increase in capacity to accommodate the minors who do not accompany them to the country. Also, work with Mexico to help manage the flow of migrants coming from Central America.

Are there any minor or unaccompanied minors?

Officials indicate that she has more than 9,500 minor guardians of the Department of Health and Human Services and approximately 4,500 at the Frontier of the Frontiers and Protection (CBP). These numbers represent an increase in comparison to the principles of this week. The time when, on Friday, there is a minor custodia of the Department of Health is 34 days, plus a clerk.

The situation has generated a mayoral scrutiny and accusations that the Biden’s most hostile posture has led migrants to provoke an avalanche of Central American women. The President proposes to refute this notion in an interview this week.

¿A donde van los niños separados de sus padres en EE.UU.? 1:24

Sondeverbod, the number of nineteen federal custodia aumenta. And, yes, I realize I’m the billionth person to make that joke, but to say the least. But he also has the most humane focus on what Biden has in store.

“No boy without a crisis”

Talking to periodicals these jews, the governing body’s officials insist that President Donald Trump’s policies are relevant to this situation. And it is clear that there is a need for migrant workers.

“The minorities facing the frontier are not a national crisis,” he said, adding that one of the officials, who had an anonymous condition.

«The 20th of January was not exactly the moment when the front was different. The numbers will increase and decrease throughout the season “, continued the official. «The adult son rechazados. The majority of the families are retired. We can prosecute and protect the nines that come to our fronts in search of help, as required by them. And our governing body is haciendo ».

Pes to the efforts of the administration to remain important in the actual increase of migrants, the CBP is on the road to register the mayor’s cantidad of people in the front during the last 20 years. This morning, the Secretary of the National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, met this morning. According to the information, the agency is offering only 6 and 7 year olds.

The message that wants to send the governor

As long as the interventions of Mayorkas on television this week, as well as the information sessions for officials, are designed to show that the governor is addressing the problem. Biden has received duress from the Republicans, but also some Democrats for the maneuver in this way.

The officials said they were jews that the mayor of the adult migrants and the families of the institution are being evicted. However, we also recognize that there are limitations in Mexico’s capacity to accommodate migrants. In particular, an aquellos con niños pequeños. And I repeat that the governor of Biden did not expel the minors without accompaniment.

“We are suffering from a problem that we are suffering from.” The president inherited chaos, ”said one official. “We have an integral allotment of the goberno to wipe out the disaster,” insists.

Dávila: Be silent about the tregaa for not criticizing Biden 0:41

Administration plans to address minor migrants

The administration will now focus on increasing the capacity of its installations and accelerating the processing of the nines not accompanied by the employees. It will be explained, these are the lesser halls of the governor’s care more quickly.

This includes covid-19 protocols to increase the number of people allowed within each installation and to open new homes. Here’s how to put one together for use with your parents.

Officials are also excited about the need to work on diplomatic channels to address the fundamental causes of Central American migration. Between them, violence, poverty and, this year, two devastating hurricanes.

Pero esos esfuerzos son a más largo plazo. For now, the governing body intends to increase rapidly the capacity of the new CBP facilities in Texas in Arizona to accommodate migrants. Y, at the same time, proportionate a basic level of comfort.

Installation in Donna, Texas

An official refereed the temporary processing facility that operates the CBP in Donna, Texas, which houses the majority of the unaccompanied niches on the front. Segun dijo «has been designed to be able to burn the best possible attention given to the victims».

The employee said he included three days off, access to regular cools, freedom of movement, telephone calls, showers and an occasional recreational time at the free air.

“I wish there were people who could do more than just pay attention to a center that in reality was not designed to accommodate a large number of children,” said one official.

Biden a migrantes: No vengeance 2:36

The solicitations of the media to retrieve Donna’s installations were repeatedly denied. The argument of the Department of National Security is the restrictions on covid-19. Although Casa Blanca is one of the markets that discusses publishing photos that include a delegation from the administration to the facilities of Donna and the principles of this month, it is likely that one day will be despised.

“I have a private information session, an internal information session that has various seminars. Generally speaking, we do not propose these materials publicly. But we want you to know if a group of media can have their own images of these installations, “said Jen Psaki, the secretary of the press.
