More than 100 Chromebook models receive Android 11 upgrade for a better app experience

Chromebooks have been using apps for years using the Android 9 (ARC ++ or Android Runtime Container) framework, and after skipping Android 10, Google has now listed 117 specific Chromebooks that will receive an upgrade to Android 11. The latest update allows apps to run smoother and scale properly – two issues that Chrome OS has had since launching apps in the operating system. All of this is possible thanks to Google’s work on ARCVM – their app virtualization container. Oh, and apps can also turn on the dark mode, so your eyes will thank you for it.

If you want to see a complete list of all the devices mentioned, you can go to the Chromium Repository where they were discovered. In addition, Android Police crossed out the device board names with their corresponding consumer-oriented name and compiled a complete list of them in order of the manufacturer. Check quickly to see if your device made the cut. Some of the listed devices have not even been released yet, so the repository contains their code name, but it does not exactly match a currently known or released device. For example, we watched Trogdor and Dedede and they make an appearance for upgrade.


Taste tests: add remaining devices eligible for ARCVM to the list

Otherwise the arc.BuildProperties.vm test will not pass on the boards.

BUG = b: 182925154
TEST = try

Chrome storage

Of the 117 devices, a large portion are Acer (but at least 41 of them!), Which will come as no surprise to many of you, as Acer has long been known for their dedication to Google’s platform. They also produce a larger number of Chromebook models than other manufacturers. AOpen’s Chromebase and Chromebox Mini are on the list, as well as 12 Asus devices, 3 CTLs (including their Tab Tx1), 4 Dells, 18 HPs, 18 Lenovos, 8 Samsungs (including the Chromebook Plus and Pro – good times), Viewsonic Chromebox, and the first Chromebook I ever had – the good Toshiba Chromebook 2 of 2015. Lastly, Google’s own Pixel, Pixel Slate, Pixelbook and Pixelbook Go are of course eligible for Android 11.

To see if your Chromebook has an update available, you can wait until it appears natural as Chrome OS devices are working on their own, or you can visit the Settings app and click ‘About Chrome OS’ at the bottom left of the sidebar . Once there, just click ‘Check for Update’ in the main window. Starting with Chrome OS 90, many of you should see Android 11 become available.


After an update, you can check your current Android version by going to Settings> Applications> Google Play Store> Manage Android Preferences> System> More About Device. If you have not yet received the new version, do not worry – keep checking. If you are not on the list for an upgrade, I would not worry too much because Google has done an excellent job of adding some devices there that we never even expected to get apps to start with not (Toshiba Chromebook 2), so anything is possible with enough time.
