More lethal and contagious: What is known about the new variants of covid-19

London, United Kingdom.

The British sanitary authorities will start the passage on Monday frenetica búsqueda of a person infected with the variant of Manaos (Brazil) del coronavirus, ante la inquietud de que las vacant no sean tan effects ante esa cepa.

Según la Sanidad, eI have no identification does not complete the location register when submitting a test of the covid-19 last February, when he announced his parade that provoked one search operation massive in all the country.

It is because of this that Health Care has not received the result of a covid-19 test on 12 or 13 February, which is due in contact with the authorities.

This variant, known as P1, was detected by first time in person traveling through Japan desdeer Manaos el pasado enero.

The British Minister for Vacunas, Nadhim Zahawi, declares today in the Sky that the cepa is similar to the hallada en Sudáfrica, for what purpose is more contagiousay “es de preoccupation “through the azote that suffers the country by the British variant.

El Gobierno indicates that he was communicated to the World Health Organization (OMS) about the hallazgo in the United Kingdom dand these are the cases of the variant of Manaos.

The British Executive has vetoed its vuelos procedentes dand various lands of Suramerica, Portugal and South Africa, how to contain the propagation of these new varieties what can be involved in the process of vacation.

There are three variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus possibly more contagious as preoccupation with the international community at a time when it treats the pandemic with the evacuation campaigns. This is what I think:

What are their variants?

All of them mutan virus, es decir, se modified when the replica.

El EARS-CoV-2 has suffered multiple variations from its appearance, but in general these have no tenid consequences. Some mutations without embarrassment you can favor your sovereignty, for example, if you log a mayor contagio.

The variant B.1.1.7, called VOC 202012/01, was detected in November In the United Kingdom, will unfold “probably” in September on the surest of England, following the Imperial College de Londres.

They propagate rapidly in these countries, this variant was detected in other decades of countries, from United States hasta Corea del Sur, passing by India, France and Denmark.

La Mayoría de los casos fueron importados del United Kingdom but some have no relationship tried with this country, as is the case of Denmark.

La variant 501.V2, now mayoritaria en South Africa, fwas detected in October and has been located in other countries along with the United Kingdom and France.

According to the experts, the number of different baby cases is underestimated.

The two present variations vary from one to another, the N501Y, affect protein “spike” of coronavirus, a point that serves to pegarse al receptor ACE2 dand the human cells penetrate them.

This mutation increases the capacities of adhesion of virus to receptor ACE2. And although “geen hooi no clear relationship is established between the accession to ACE2 and a mayor transmission, it is possible that it exists “, agreed with the European Center for Prevention and Control of Enfermedades (ECDC).

Various scientific studies, based on all modeling and testing are not evaluated by other experts in accordance with the Scientific Protocol, concluding that the British variant it’s much more transferable, what confirms the initial evaluation of the NERVTAG group of investigators, which assesses the British government and estimates the difference between + 50% and + 70%.

Asia, following the calculations of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the British variant series between 50-74% more contagious.

For the Imperial College de London the capacity of infectious entre 50-75% mayor and the reproduction rate (R) is between 0.4 and 0.7 superior to the habitual virus.

The preliminary results regarding the South African variant also apply to a mayor transmission, but it has less available dates.

Sondeverbod, estos resultados se basan en epidemiological observations, like the explosion of the epidemic in England, but other factors can be included in the game to explain this situation, such as the application of the contraceptive medicine.

“It appears that one of the two mutations is responsible for one high altitude contagiosidad, but this is to verify “scientifically, if you can start a time, explains AFP Vincent Enouf, of the National Reference Center of Virus Respirators of the Institut Pasteur de Paris.

Countries like Germany, Belgium and Mexico he attributed to these variants the explosion of cases during the second year of the pandemic in Europe and North America.

The euUU epidemiologist, Anthony Fauci, reported on my past that the data released by the United Kingdom Governor should be taken into account. British variant can “cause more daño, including death “.

“We’m assuming now that it’s circulating in a predominantly form in the United Kingdom has a degree of increase in what we call virulence, es decir, el poder del virus to cause death, including the death “, declares el elto. The risk “was raised in terms of hospitalizations and deaths”, aggregate.

And it is that “a mayor equivocal eventuality may have a much more powerful incidence and therefore much more important sovereignty over the sanitary system although the lethality (of the variants) sea la misma “, says Coignard.

A variant of the SARS-CoV-2 that carries “a 50% more transmissible supporter a mayor problem than a variant 50% more mortal “, indicates on Twitter the British epidemiologist Adam Kucharski, valiéndose of a statistical demonstration: with a task of reproduction of 1.1, a 0.8% mortality rate and 10,000 people were infected, with 129 deaths per month. Pero if the 50% increase in contagion, the deco number is elevaría a 978.

For another lad, the first studies on the British variant apuntan a que es more contagious between the young people minor de 20 years since the custom.

Affect the efficiency of vacancies?

“For now, we do not have enough information to decide” what are the variants “a risk for the efficiency of the vacancies “, the ECDC estimates.

With the available dates, “the experts screened the current vacancies seran efficacies against these cepas“, declared on the part of the churches Wal Walke, of the Centers for Prevention and Lucha against the Unified States of the United States.

For its part, BioNTech / Pfizer, which will develop the first vacancy against the covid19, insure the fires that are effective against the mutación N501Y in common with the British and South African variants and is preparing a third dose to strengthen the protection.

Pero the studio no analysis todas las mutaciones presents, with it can not conclude that the efficacy of the vaccine is the same as against the classic virus.

Hecho, a specific mutation in the South African variant suscita más ondervraers que el resto.

Llamada E484K, this mutation could theoretically “ayudar “al virus a “Sort out the humanitarian protection required for an anterior infection or evacuation”, says doctor François Balloux, of University College London, quoted by the British body Science Media Center.

Without embarrassment, there is no indication that this mutation is sufficient for the variant South African resistance to current vacancies, según Balloux.

Various laboratories will ensure that the series is able to test new versions of the emergency vaccine quickly.

How to find the variants?

‘N Falta de poder obstructs lpropagation of these varieties, the objective is “retrasarla” to the maximum, según Coignard.

The ECDC recommends that affected countries take measures similar to those of the pandemic principle, as well as the limitation of travel and testing of people in danger zones. We can also check the incidence of these variant, multiplying the sequencing of the viruses.

Some PCR tests can also suggest the presence of the British variant.

‘N Nivelle individu,’ debemos ser todavía más rigurosos con las contraceptive drugs “, according to Dr. Walke, in addition to maneuvering, the port of mascarillas, etc.
