More actors from “Three’s Company” and “Beverly Hills 90210”

Peter Mark Richman, an actor of the characters returning from the episodes of the television series and tuvo papers and ‘Three’s Company’ (‘Tres son multitud’) and ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’, falleció. Tenía 93 years.

Richman plagues natural causes of juveniles at his home in the Woodland Hills area, in Los Angeles, informant su publicista, Harlan Boll.

Born in Philadelphia, Richman was a pharmacist when he decided to change his career. He joined the Actors Studio and in 1953 protagonized the work of the theater “End as a Man”. Appearance on Broadway and ‘A Hatful of Rain’ and ‘Masquerade’. Also, Jerry’s papel has more than 400 features of Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story in New York, according to Boll.

In the movie, his credits include “The Black Orchid” of 1958, with Sophia Loren; “The Strange One”, “The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear” and “Friday the 13th Part VIII”.

Pero was most known for his work on television, where he appeared in more than 500 chapters of various series over the decades, from “Bonanza” and “The Fugitive” is “Star Trek: The Next Generation”.

Interpreted by Nick Cain’s lawyer in the final series of the 60’s NBC’s ‘Cain’s Hundred’ in two recent papers as a lawyer in the exit of the 80 ‘Dynasty’ series of the 70 ‘Longstreet’.

Between the 70s and 80s hizo of Suzanne Somers’ father, the revered Luther Snow, in “Three’s Company”; appeared as Lawrence Carson in some episodes of “Beverly Hills, 90210”, and saw CC Capwell in 30 episodes of “Santa Barbara”.

He also wrote theatrical works, including the acclaimed “4 Faces”, as well as a short story, short stories and an autobiography.

In 1990, the Motion Picture & Television Fund acquired the Medalla de Plata in recognition of its humanitarian logs.

Le sobreviven su esposen Helen, cinco hijos y seis nietos.
