Monarca: Alejandro De Hoyos reveals his surprise at Julio César Chávez’s comeo | Spoil

Monarch regressed to the Netflix pantry with its second timeline and among the many surprises that included a cameo of the famous boxer Julio César Chávez. The actuation of the pugilist causes the same, including the inside of the element: Alejandro De Hoyos, actor of Rodrigo, revealed that no interpretation is available. What do you say?

The world champion had an appearance brief in episode 4 with a very comfortable papel for him: Boxing Professor of the President of the Monarchy Group, Andrés Carranza. With a small line of dialogue it is very strong and converts spectators with a good performance.

The appearance of a sportswoman from the sonorous valley was celebrated by the actors. Osvaldo Benavidez shared in the last hours a photo together with Chávez with the phrase: “The champion … and his coach … If he wants to be Carranza”. The publication contains two commentaries and between them Dey Hoyos.

Osvaldo Benavides


“This cameo came to me with a smile. The temporary approach to coaching Rodrigo Carranza, maestro!”, replied the actor of 25 years who also demonstrated his admiration. “I want to miss Bax”, contested the ex pugilista in an entertainment ida and vuelta between the companions of the series.

The good relationship between Salma Hayek (producer of Monarca) y Chávez possibility that the sum is cast with a minimum appearance. In recent times, the boxer congratulated his friends in speeches with a photo taken together with her at the youth and revived rumors that indicate a romance between the Mexican celebrities.



