Google’s image processing algorithms have been widely praised, which is why modified Google Camera applications are so popular with smartphone lovers. Google Camera version 8.0, introduced with the Pixel 5 and the Pixel 4a 5G, added a number of useful features – such as the Storage Saver mode – which was eventually rolled out to older Pixels with v8.1. Now developers have released a modified version of Google Camera 8.1 that also works on non-Pixel devices.

PX Mod v8.1 is from developer Urnyx05, which based it on Google Camera 8.1.008. This means you should be able to try out new features like Cinematic Pan and Audio Zoom on your non-Pixel device.

Here is the complete change log:


• Added all the corrections needed for the first start
• Color transformation added to determine saturation on devices with dull colors
• Added an option to disable focus tracking
• added an option to disable motion photos
• OPModes added to correct CLAIM
• Added buttons in the menu to turn AWB on or off
• Disabled Saber on unsupported sensors
• added an option to choose between Pixel 2, Pixel 3, IMX586 and IMX686 AWB
• Enhanced colors on Mi Note 10
• added an option to turn off the synthetic fill flash
• added an option to turn off automatic night vision on portrait and photo

You can download the latest PX Mod APK from the handy Gcam Hub. Although it should work on most devices, the developer mentions that it may not work on some Samsung, OnePlus and Snapdragon 845 smartphones.