Moderna will try his luck against the COVID-19 at least 12 years old

The modern pharmaceutical company commences a study of its vaccine for COVID-19 in less than 12 years, which will include babies up to 6 months.

The announcement of March reads exactly one year after the first adult received a dose of probation created at the National Institutes of Health of the United States. Now the injection is used in Puerto Rico, United States, and many other countries.

Modern also tried the vaccine in youngsters from 12 to 17 years, but has not published the halls. The study in our ninth peoples will be more complex, though the investigators need to determine if the dose is lower than in adults and adolescents.

The study has the objective of testing the pharmacy in 6,750 nuns in the United States and Canada in two phases: to determine the best dose and ultimately to administer the drug in doses to a random sample, while others receive it a placebo.

“This pediatric study will help us evaluate the potential safety and immunogenicity of our candidate in the covid-19 vaccine in this important role”, assured the modern delegate of Sterna, Stéphane Bancel, in a statement.

Debt to the velocity with which he vacated the vacancies and that the affidavit with mayor pregnant to the persons of mayor edados, United States has no vacancy with authorization to be administered at the age of 18 years (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson) or less than 16 (Pfizer / BioNTech).

Pfizer and Moderna are reaching the finals of this year’s clinical trials of the vaccine between the years of 12 years, with a sufficient level of volunteers and the hope to present results to the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The steps taken to ensure the efficiency of the vaccine against the COVID-19 in the ninths are essential in order to reduce the chances of serious cases of the new coronavirus between the minorities in order to increase the population of the general population to remove the virus capacity transmission.

The student authorities will suggest that if the results of the vacancy exams in minor are positive, the secondary school students will start inoculating themselves this morning, while the most important courses will be vacant next year.
