Moderna expects its vaccine to protect against coronavirus for at least a year

A nurse treats a patient in a Covid-19 ICU at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital in the Willowbrook area of ​​Los Angeles.
A nurse treats a patient in a Covid-19 ICU at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital in the Willowbrook area of ​​Los Angeles. Patrick T. Fallon / AFP / Getty Images

Public health officials in Los Angeles recommend that all essential workers nationwide wear masks in their own homes to prevent the coronavirus from spreading within the household as hospitalizations and deaths continue at an alarming rate.

Officials call it the ‘worst disaster’ the country has experienced in decades.

“Right now, because there is so much spread, we recommend that people wear their face masks while they are in the house. This will provide a layer of protection as we get through this boom,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer said at a news conference on Monday.
“We recommend that you cover your face if you are a worker who leaves every day or is actually someone who has to perform the essential tasks in your family,” Ferrer added.

Push in cases: Los Angeles reported 12,617 new cases on Monday, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 932,697. An additional 137 deaths were reported, increasing the total number of deaths to 12,387.

Deaths increase by 1,000%: In the past seven days, the country has reported more than 1,500 Covid deaths, according to the latest health data. Since the boom began in November, LA County deaths have increased by more than a staggering 1,000%.

Hospital resources strained: Nearly 8,000 people are currently being admitted to hospital as officials continue to solve infrastructure problems, such as low oxygen supply, limited staff resources and scarce bed availability. There are 650 hospital beds and 46 ICU beds available throughout the province as of Monday afternoon, officials said.

Ten people test positive every minute: Ferrer said 10 people in LA County test positive for Covid-19 every minute. “The devastating impact on our families and our local hospitals as a result of this boom is the worst disaster our country has experienced in decades,” she said.

Vaccines: Despite the tragic loss of life, vaccines are sweeping the entire community, Ferrer said. Hospitals in Los Angeles received 220,000 doses, and approximately 160,000 frontline employees were vaccinated. Hospitals started providing second doses to their qualifying staff last week and more than 22,000 health workers have now been fully vaccinated.

Vaccines: There are more than 75 vaccination sites in Los Angeles that have been established to facilitate the vaccine for individuals within the current Phase 1A level of the state, where mainly non-hospital care workers and unskilled health workers are vaccinated in the nursing home. About 20 vaccination sites are currently open to front-line health workers, and at least five more are expected to open in the near future.
