Modern Covetous Vacuum, available in EU, pera for Mexico: Ssa

Mexico City /

La vacuna de Moderna against the covid-19 has a large availability in the United States, countries in which it produces in its majority; probe ban, no asia para mexico, for those who have opted to buy other vacancies that are available, explained José Luis Alomía Zegarra, Director-General de Epidemiology.

“Modernity has a large availability for the United States, but not for the Mexican territory. It has opted to carry to the country those that are available and that can be integrated at a lesser time possible”, dijo federal official at conference vespertina to announce dates of pandemic in Mexico.

Alomía Zegarra indicates in detail that the vacancies he has left in Mexico, with which he has contracted, has been acquired and has been paid by them, have always been in a search mark available to them.

We note that the National Vacation Strategy extends to the first quarter of 2022. Entones en la medida que vayamos advansando mes con mes se standannas las vacunas que ya estan lists para poder enviarse o que hai availabilid ”, acotó.

Prohibition of sin, no descriptions, sand at the moment have experience in the availability and possibility of acquiring the Modern Weapon, Mexico is considering its acquisition to continue with the National Vacation Strategy.

Indicated that the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) is currently analyzing the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is in Mexico and the dose of the CanSino vaccine.

