Moden Vacations in Pfizer are very effective against COVID in real world conditions: CDC – El Financiero

The windows of Pfizer and Modern versus the COVID-19 Infectiously prevent infections by the new coronavirus, not only the diseases, with a evidentiary protection evidence two weeks after the first dose, the investigators of the United States governing body.

Doses of brindan vaccines up to 90 percent for protection against infection, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the EU (CDC) published on Monday.

Previous clinical trials have established that vacancies also prevent injuries, hospitalizations and deaths.

The study is based on the evidence that the new vacancies manufactured with ARN messenger technology in reality reduces the propagation of the virus in real world conditions. An earlier study in Israel found that a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine reduced infections up to 85 per cent.

The CDC will study a group of approximately 4 miles of first-line workers, including medical attention staff, social workers, masters and service workers. from mediados de diciembre hasta mediados de marzo, while the vacancies are being implemented extensively.

These groups are among the first to be inoculated, together with the elderly vulnerabilities, due to their risk of exposure to the virus.

Participants were evaluated daily for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and were asked to provide signal information. Investigators are comparing the frequency of COVID-19 infections and then the vacancies to estimate how effective the injections are in preventing pathogenic propagation, regardless of whether the individuals are infected or not.

As many as Pfizer and Moderna vacancies require weekly doses. Of the first doses since the first dose, the initial infections prevent 80 per cent of the infections, which increased to 90 per cent after the second dose, when it was considered that the individuals were completely immunized.
