MLB: Marlins is interested in Eddie Rosario and Joc Pederson

Loose Marlins of Miami quieren firmar un jardinero zurdo de cara a la proxima temporada, Joc Pederson y Eddie Rosario with the mayors candidates in the MLB.

Since Eddie Rosario and the Twins robbed his vinculos, the Marlins made the first team interested and included in contacting him, now he had already clarified his intentions of a right-hander gardener and that he would be a better fighter.

In the past, Rosario bateo para 257 con 13 jonrones, 42 carreras remolcadas, 6 bases robadas y unas 31 carreras annotadas en la MLB 2021

When will we Eddie Rosario we are one of the Latin gardeners with the best braz of the gardens, and the protagonist of one 6 periods of total stability in the MLB.

Mientras que Joc Pederson, has played in all the scenarios of the Major Leagues including the World Series. Pederson is in the free agency and all indications are that the Dodgers do not intend to operate this company.

Pederson There will be a minimum contract of two years, that is, its depletion in the last periods has not been enough to require a multi-time contract.

Mediante la temporada 2019, bateo para 190 con 7 jonons, 16 carreras remolcadas y 21 anotadas.

Both gardeners are zurdos and defend the same position.

Here is the report:
