Mitch McConnell will absolutely support Trump if he is nominated for GOP in 2024

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Said Thursday he would “absolutely” support Donald Trump if the former president won the Republican nomination in 2024.

However, McConnell told Special Report presenter Bret Baier that ‘a lot needs to happen between now and ’24. I think there are at least four members who intend to run for president, plus governors and others. elected. is not incumbent, [so it] should be a wide open race and fun for everyone. “

McConnell was recently scolded by the former president after Senator condemned Trump’s behavior during the January 6 riot. Asked by Baier to respond to Trump’s claim that the Republican Party can never be respected if leaders like McConnell remain at the helm of affairs, he replied: ‘The Republican Party is actually in a very good state.

“We got seats in the House. We elected 50 Republican senators when everyone predicted we were going to lose the Senate. The Democrats did not overturn a single legislative state. We tipped two. [and] picked up a governor.


“The Republican Party had a very good day on November 3,” McConnell continued. ‘We are sorry we lost the White House, but the Republican Party once again protested [that] it is a 50/50 country, we are very competitive and will be competitive again ’22. ‘

McConnell also dismissed the speculation that there is a civil war within the IDP, saying the real division lies with House Democrats.

‘The progressives make it extremely difficult for Speaker [Nancy] “Pelosi will work, given the slim margin she has in the house,” he said.


Meanwhile, according to McConnell, “I think the Biden government makes it easy for us to come together. I think we have united in opposition to the extremely progressive approach of this new government. President Biden has made it very easy for us. to get together. “

Baier concluded the interview by asking what McConnell’s message is to Trump supporters who may be concerned about the future of the Republican Party.

“I would say to anyone who tends to support our Republican Party-right-of-center, let’s focus on winning the House and Senate in ’22,” McConnell said. “It will nominate the next candidate for president, whoever it may be, [with] the best chance of winning. ‘
