‘Mis Mets hubiesen sido como Yankees de Steinbrenner’

Much antes de that billionaire Steve Cohen is buying New York Mets, the ex of the Yankees, Alex Rodríguez, tenía grandes vliegtuie para avquir al equipo de Queens junto with his promising Jennifer López and a group of inversionists. Without embarrassment, the Wilpon family did not sell the team to A-Rod and J-Lo for the reason that they, had to have increased the price that Querian had for the franchise, which caused the injury to be the first two Latinos in the history of an MLB team.

I have no doubt that Alex has many plans for the Metropolitans and his mention in The Boston Globe that he hubies managed the Mets came his model to follow, the mischievous “Jefe” of the New York Yankees, George Steinbrenner.

It’s hard to say that anyone can be George. The unique force. It’s a legend for a reason and without hesitation hubiese side my model to follow. Always think first ‘What is the best thing about the Yankees fanatic?’ y creo que ese hubiese sido mi manera de trabajar.

El “Jefe” Steinbrenner contains a los Yankees en 1973 en revitalizó la franquicia ganando 7-series Mundiales hasta su muerte en 2010.
