Miriam, the ‘influencer’ who is a beauty and psychologist for the benefit of women: “Es libertad”

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Find the balance to feel good about a meme, both inside and outside the door, always easy. Food, exercise, cosmetics, emotional control … Sometimes we do not manage to do it all the time, we get bored of it all with the new methods to feel good.

For this reason Miriam Llantada, career psychologist and influencer by profession, I wrote Guapa por dentro, feliz por fuera (Grijalbo), a book with which pretends to facilitate the truck hacia the bienestar and ponerlo al alcance de kualquier mujer.

All of these are unanimous advice on nutrition, self-esteem and ‘routine routine’, but I have a lot to do with mental and emotional health, which occupies the middle of the content of the text, and that Llantada knows that it is fundamental to pursue a real benefit.

Portada de 'Guapa por dentro, feliz por fuera'.

Portada de ‘Guapa por dentro, feliz por fuera’.

“In my experience as a psychologist, I’ve had chicks that I feel bad about, that I have very bad autism, and I’ve had the best times that I’ve had the most serious things, the fatal thing … In the interventions and my proposal which también se cuidasen externally y la verdad es que mejoraban mucho. He always treated the beauty like something superficial, but he was not there, hay que tenerlo en cuenta y por eso para mí el hacer unéintégration de todo es fundamental “, cuenta a MagasIN.

Although his vocation is always to be converted into a therapist, so log in to the term Career in Psychology and a Master of Therapy Bekend, the loss of a person in search of the hizo que diese un giro a su vida. “At the moment I’m not prepared to own as a therapist, I’m part of here dedicated to the infant frame. Work with nines as one more light and passed me on to the business part, dedicated to the selection of staff in a multinational “.

Cansada del mundo empresarial se lanco a crear su blog Secrets and colors, specialized in skin care. “Empecé in 2013, when I have my blogs very professionalized by this decile. La verdad is what I love about the work of communication”. También created his YouTube channel to complement the blog’s content, which is great for them 200,000 subscribers.

“I always have skin and acne problems. I’m always been able to investigate why creams do not work for me, why I have a dermatologist and why I do not serve them, or why I have acne and these ten months. otra vez un brote mucho más intenso. Start studying the ingredients my convert as in influencer of my friends and my family. All the world I love to ask “, related.

Ese appendizaje self-taught, united to a master in Dermofarmacia and Formulación Cosmética complete his announcements to launch his blog y, now, publish his book that, as the same summary, “is a compendio about being centered in the woman”.

“If you want to get the most out of it, don’t waste it. Here are some ideas to help you get started. Here’s a little bit of a map to help you understand what you need or what you need. “.

Falacias collectives femeninas

The reason why Guapa por dentro, feliz por fuera is directed to women is that “there are many believe that we limit y nos impiden desarrollarnos “.

“Working with women in therapy to the extent that we all have a tendency to have short-sighted beliefs that men do not suffer from it, even if they have other things that are also good. We have our short-sightedness. social and historical charges that we limit more and therefore he wants to make this book centered on the woman “.

There is a chapter dedicated to the “female collective failures” that arise from the impostor’s syndrome to the “stigma of hysteria” or that “without a man you are incomplete”. “These falcons are influential, though all because they have inconsistent behaviors they want things that the more we want to do. For example, to make sure that our values ​​are more powerful than the child because ‘a woman should not have children’ enfad. that we impide live with liberty and basically that the good is liberty “.

‘Wenke’ para el bienestar

Although there are many ways to sign up for a living, Miriam Llantada gives her ‘tips’ favorites:

“The first is intentional to sleep the best you can do. I have a video on the subject of sleeping well because today we have very many estimates, many pawns, that our nervous system is active and our sleep is deep. Acostarnos pronto, seguir los ritmos y dormir bien es fundamental par la la piel “.

Another key is that all the experts recommended for the most important are the sports, but Llantada will specifically suggest the lease. Bailar is free. You can rent in your house giving YouTube, it’s fantastic for the skin, segregation hormones of happiness to sleep well, to feel good … I’m in good shape. Bailar además genera alegría y se puede hacer hail de family, con los niños, solo o acompañado “.

Después está la limpieza face for the correct care of the skin and a good food. “We all think that well is caro and yes, the ecological committee is more cara, but also it is true that fries fry pizza tampoco are baratas”, alega. In the end the key to everything is, both in the committee as in the products beauty, “know well what is necessary”.

Be very demanding

In case you want to follow the tips to log the property, Llantada da otros dos consejos importantes: go little to little y geen ser muy exigente.

“Debes says a person as the bond that the form e intend to simplify, and learning little by little, because clear, it is true that cosmetics is a science that has that it learns in little injections, if it does not work. Even if you want to be the best and for the longest time. It is not possible to have a wife with three husbands and a daughter who works in a house, but only if she lives alone and has more time. It’s also influencing “.

One of the only things that need and recommendations te van mejor, is to be patient and not be too demanding. “There are women who are more than 45 years old and I think ‘Miriam is the one who never took care of me and now I have evidence that I have a very bad relationship’. Ahi hay que checkar las expectativas y no pretender to rejuvenate 20 years of golf“.
