Ministry of Public Affairs solicited a year of preventive imprisonment against Argenis Contreras

The Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) asked for a year of preventive imprisonment as a means of coercion in Argenis Contreras, main implicit in the assessment of the University Professor of the University of Santo Domingo (UASD) Yuniol Ramírez.

A conglomerate of attorneys of the Public Ministry, charged by the Taxation of the Special Prosecution Service of the Administrative Corruption (Pepca) Mirna Ortiz deposit the solicitation of mediation of the former the District Court of Instruction of the District Nac.

Ortiz explained that he also welcomes the fact that there is an increase in the cause of rebellion against Argenis in order to pass the notice of enforcement, which is established in the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Kenya Romero, the internal court of the 4th District of Instruction will be convened to convene the re-enactment of the rebellion in Argentina and will hold the preliminary hearing for the mediation of coercion.

The representative of the PGR explained that against Argenis pesan accusations of assessment, association of malpractice, occultation of corpses and administrative corruption and that in this case he was sent to court.

Ortiz agrees that at the fundraiser the clerk will work with the demas involved in the assignment.
