Minister of Health on Foods: “I can not pay to pay”

The official said that the Alcaldias should hope that the word “approval in the Assembly”

The Minister of Health, Alejandro Zelaya, confirms this month that no one can “owe” to pay the Foods that are required by the Alcaldias from nine months ago. “The resolution is clear and the Minister will have to carry out the management within his faculties to carry out the management of the payment because he can not oblige me to pay in a direct manner”, affirmed Zelaya in referring to the resolution of the Chamber of the Constitution .

Without embarrassment, the Constitutional Court of the Supreme Court passed the order on 4 February to the Ministry of Health, which provided for the “intermediary manner” of administrative and financial management in order to pay the funds.

The maximum tribunal states that it has a calendar of transfers in order to “not repeat” the atrium in which it is obligatory to compliment only because it is the Republic.

VEA TAMBIÉN: The impasse of 7 months of Fodes affecting the population, not the old ones

Hacienda has begun transferring the money to the 262 alcaldias from June 2020. Up to this year, the $ 360 million increase, according to information passed by the president of the Salvadoreño Institute of Municipal Development (ISDEM), the Alcalde de San Salvador, Ernesto Muyshondt.

“Alcaldías tienen que esperar el Fodes hasta tengamos aprobation en la Asamblea; he can pay and correct the risk of not paying the external debt ”, said the minister during the interview on channel 12.

The new Legislative Assembly will initiate its May 1st term, in which case the New Ideas official party will have a majority of seats and will be favored by Nayib Bukele’s governor.

Zelaya also admits that there are links with payers to suppliers. “We are going to take guests to the level of tax evasion, only to have meetings with the Fino Sino with providers; hemos tenido que atrasarlo para ne caer en impago ”, matizó. He reiterates that “it is under the obligation to prioritize the guest to avoid giving up on the public and the citizens, he can not pay salaries of doctors and nurses to pay for the alcohol”.

Además indicates that in February he planned to raise $ 987 million, but he raised $ 919 million, while he hopes that in March and April he will be able to compensate the 2% and raise the estimated income of the deceased.
