Minister of Health intends to justify guest in modules for vacancies: “We can not vacate in deterrent areas” | El Salvador News

In terms of the number of employees, the sanitary strategy costs at the same time an estimated $ 5 million in the construction of the modules.

The evacuation plan against COVID-19 that Gobierno is preparing to implement and the millionaire guest for the construction of modules will apply the dose was newly justified by the Minister of Health, Francisco Alabí these months during a television interview.

In terms of the employee, the sanitary strategy costing him the same price in $ 5 million, and by which he has received criticisms of the different body of doctors and nurses, “does not only mean a cube”, alegó.

LEE TAMBIÉN: Modification of evacuation by the COVID-19 at a cost of $ 5 million, afirmó Salud

“We are dealing with more than 156 places and it does not include furniture, refrigeration, holiday chain, logistics process and remodeling of health units”, matizó.

Alabí said that it is not possible to “put vacancies in areas where there are no deterrents in the quays that do not coincide with the requirements and therefore can not apply the strategy in a short time”.

With respect to the construction of the evacuation modules, Alabí has ​​explained, during the review that took place in the Legislative Assembly, before the special commission that examines the use of funds to combat the pandemic, the cost of which is estimated en $ 32,000, the total amount of $ 5 million inversion.

Under President Nayib Bukele’s embargo, during a press conference this past Saturday, he opposed Alabí at the expense of the module that made sure the amount was “as much as $ 6,000 and some.”

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“The price is false, it’s not for sure, if we do not take into account the computers, the equipment, refrigeration equipment, etc., Vale as 6000 and some dollars each module, 6000 and some, clear and good the computers, refrigeration, clarity can be subject to price ”, said Bukele.

Medical questioning

In the medical and nursing sector, the cost of the modules has generated revenue and indemnity that can classify the action as a dilemma, debit that the Public Health system pays with 700 Health Units with adequate infrastructure to support women the AstraZeneca vacuum was cooled to the required temperature.

“The Health Units are endowed with the necessary infrastructure to maintain the holiday season, which is to maintain the refrigerated window until the exact moment in which it is applied. In addition to the people who belong to the communities or to the itinerant routes and that you can not join the units living the terms that are standardized and standardized with the requirements of the World Health Organization. And that in this case can work. There is no need for an additional infrastructure in this case, there is a dilapidation of resources ”, said the former Deputy Minister of Health, Eduardo Espinoza.

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In the case of Espinoza, Health should be reformed and hosted in health units, where existing evacuation points exist.

“In my view, this (construction) is a propaganda question with electoral fines, but that does not respond to the need, the vaccine against the pandemic (the construction) tenia that has been added to the effort that it has in the programs of vacancy, in which the country has a great experience ”, argued.

Eduardo Espinoza added that there are 570 Health Command Communicating Teams that are located at the national level and whose work is intact, the levels are capable of domestic evacuation. The detainee was shot dead by police on the scene and was taken to hospital by police in El Salvador, police said.
