Militantes de Nuevas Ideas revises’ n Will Salgado en dan su apoyo in Miguel Pereira, del FMLN | El Salvador News

In San Miguel, this reflector of the political contingent on the Silla edilicia is centered on an event of a group of people presented as New Ideas for supporting the current FMLN, Miguel Pereira

Today, a group of people who identify with the bases of the New Ideas (NI) party will show their support for the election of Alcalde Miguel Pereira, who will join the FMLN banner. In addition, he will show his support for the candidacy of Will Salgado, which will be corrected by the official alliance of GANA and New Ideas.

The militants who joined the event declared that they would support Pereira, but not the FMLN.

For his part, in social speeches, the president of New Ideas, Xavi Zablah Bukele, criticized the event and manifesto that Pereira was using the New Ideas logo to give to his campaign.

The edil salio at the time of these declarations and said that it does not have the culprit that “the militia of New Ideas is supporting us in the municipality of San Miguel”.

In another event, celebrated at a restaurant in San Miguel, the NI militants endeavored to support the Pereira to respond to the candidates for deputations in the department presented by New Ideas.

Salgado, nominated by the official alliance and who worked as a member of San Miguel for 15 years, agreed to be represented by representatives of the New Ideas party.

“This is false, in this event veterans and municipal leaders of the FMLN and one of the Armored Forces. No había nadie de Nuevas Ideas ”, dijo.

También also agrees that Pereira could incur a “electoral crime because he used the banner, the logo and the number of a party that he did not belong to, and that the electorate would have to stand by a support that does not exist”.

Without embarrassment, Pereira said that he was invited to the event and said that those who use the New Ideas logos are the militants and affiliates of this party.

“It’s an event of those who make a decision to support Miguel Pereira, they also demonstrate that for deputies of New Ideas and that they are following the President of the Republic, for which Alcalde Will does not represent them, and they support a Miguel Pereira ”, dijo el actual alcalde efemelenista.
