Miles of Protestant Burmese in Calls and Golfers Blocean Internet Access

Rangún, Burmania.

Varios myl de birmanos protestaron In the calls of Rangoon this Saturday, in the mayoral demonstration of the Gulf of Estado against Aung San Suu Kyi y, with an intention to accuse these dissident voices, the military leaders block the internet access and secure detainees to detractors.

The last arrest of the one who has the notice is the one Australian, Sean Turnell, 75 years old, who works as the economic adviser to the de facto governor of the governor, Aung San Suu Kyi, and to the BBC who was retained in Burmania. To confirm, the first arrest of a foreigner since the Gulf of Estado was produced.

In Rangoon, the capital’s economic capital, 3,000 people, many of them young people, protest on Saturday near a university of lucid mascarillas, buffets and red pulses, color of the National League for Democracy (LND), the party of Aung San Suu Kyi, detenida el lunes.

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“Abajo la dictatorship militar”, gritaban los demonstrantes, ondeando banderas de la LND y haciendo el salud con tres dedos de la mano levantados, convertido ya en un gesto de resistance. “We are here to listen to the new generation, to the liberals of the military dictatorship”, the AFP told one of the protesters.

Cortes and internet

In parallel, continuous censorship and peacekeeping recorded important issues in Internet service throughout the territory, according to the NetBlocks vigilance NGO.

Telenor, one of the main telecommunications operators in the country, based in Norway, confirmed that the authorities had ordered the fire on the Twitter block on Instagram “hasta nueva orden”.

The schools have blocked Facebook, a social network that has refused to allow internet access for millions of Burmese. Facebook services, like the Whatsapp messaging network, also have registered disruptions and many users intend to bridge this obstacle with VPN connections.

The aim is to silence the opposition, very active in the social media, where the labels #WeNeedDemocracy, #HeartheVoiceofMyanmar or #Freedomfromfear, pidiendo democracia, libertad e instando al mundo a que schucheos voz de los.

The citizens of the country find themselves “in a situation of absolute inconvenience”, lamented Ming Yu Hah, of Amnistía Internacional.

The international weight

The international community follows Burma between its priorities. This Saturday, the official of the High Commission of the UN for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said that the “Bureau of Bureau and Burmese police guarantee the right to pacific demonstrations and no reprisals against women protesters”.

“Internet and communication services need to be restored to ensure freedom of expression and access to information”, posted in a Twitter message.

La ONUAccording to Swiss diplomat Christine Schraner Burgener, there was a first contact with the Burmese militaries from the Gulf, said the Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who insisted that the civilian leavers be released.

For its part, the European Union (EU) and the United States agree on sanctions since the end of the Gulf War. China continues to be the main supporter of Burma in the United Nations, opuso taking any initiative against the crisis over the crisis of the Muslims.

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Dentro pa pais y pese al miedo a las repralias, coma ya ocurrió en las sangrientas reprionsen 1988 en 2007, centenares de profesers und student students stand saliendo a las calles cada día. On Wednesday, dozens of officials suspended the work in various ministries and 300 deputies organized a telematics session to denounce the Parliament’s control unit.

A total of 150 political and militant responsibilities have been detained since the Gulf of Estado, including Win Htein, a 79-year-old assessor in Aung San Suu Kyi, according to the Assistance Association for Political Affairs, which is based in Rangoon.

The golpe also has partisans in the country, as demonstrates the hundreds of people reuniting the Jews in the capital, Naipyidó, in support of the new military authorities. El jefe del ejército, Min Aung Hlaing, which concentrates on the totality of powders, justifies the wave of fraudulent acts registered in the November legislative acts, and is won by the LND.

In fact, General Themes saw his influence fall short of the victory of the LND, which was able to reform the Constitution, very favorable to the military, according to analysts. Aung San Suu Kyi is accused of violating a commercial law and is under domicile arrest in the Burmese capital, according to a spokesman for the LND.

He is a member of the Independent Assessment, and has been living in his country since he took over the leadership of the Democratic opposition in June 1988, spending 15 years in a vigilante residence. His image was deterred worldwide by his suffering during the crisis of the Rhineland, a Muslim minority victim of a brutal military persecution in Burma.
