Miles no pudieron travel to EE.UU. for no try COVID negative test

More than a million passengers will not be able to travel this March to the United States at the International Airport of the Americas (AILA), because it does not require the PCR tests that require these authorities, a necessary requirement to enter northern territory.

The dates passed by the Director of Corporate Communications of Dominican Airports XXI (Aerodom), Luis José López, who says the travelers will be asked to present in writing the results of the trials.

Asimismo, explained that the clinical laboratory Amadita that in the morning two failures to initiate its tests of elaboration, comensó the late of this March to work, because it allows many passengers to do the speed test and travel.

The Mayor of affected passengers has made a reservation on the JetBlue Airways airline, which carries out regular operations from the AILA city of the United States.

For this day the airlines of this type program the execution of 28 operations hacia United States.

“We hope that the laboratory is working so that many passengers are carrying out the COVID-19 test and that this way they can get rid of their unlucky United States flights,” said López.

In the first flight of United Airlines, there will be 85 passengers, and there will be 62 affected flights, the four flights will be at the Las Americas terminal.

The new EUEUU Governor’s media, which will enter this March in vigil, will establish that for international passengers two years or more will present as required a negative test of COVID-19 as a preventive media to control the expansion.

In agreement with the details of offsides, the air lines absorb the extra gases of the travelers through the concept of boletus and health check boxes, taking into account the situation created by the pandemic.

In addition, there are contributors to the variegated travelers can be placed in other directions of the different area lines.

Some passengers will be queuing up, while not being able to travel to the United States at any time, running the risk of losing their jobs by not presenting at the time their vacation expires.

Manuel Rosario Martínez, one of the affected travelers who could not travel in the month of this March explained that working in a factory and tenant has 27 to present to his work.

“My situation is difficult, because as you believe the jobs are difficult in the United States, despite the pandemic and the fact that there is a security work force that insures”, said Rosario Martínez, resident of Villa Francisca de Santo Domingo.

Other cases involving the situation are Rosa Rodríguez Sánchez, who made the quick test and hoped for a ride on one of JetBlue Airways’ flights to the New York destination.

“I work in Manhattan, taking care of a variety of years and can not afford to work. Wingerdstok here to visit my relatives and teenagers who are regressing, and now I am passing by this situation “, indicated the lady.

We register travel cases that act with readiness and logarithm to carry out the rapid test and transfer to the airport.

In front of the showmen of the air lines, the podium observes the numbers of people with the document in the manuscripts, claiming the employees transferred to the United States.
