Mileidys, a penny of Cuban medicine

Estuo admitted to the Naval Hospital from April 6 to 28, entered a critical, grave state, with pain for life. Photo: Naturaleza Secreta.

“Tenia tos, fever, much lack of air and decay and to the plaque urgently in the policeman with dio bronchoneumonia in the two pulmones. At the moment I feel bad, as if I was going to dismay. To be taken seriously, when I was taken by ambulance, I was taken to the Naval (Central Military Hospital Luis Díaz Soto), yo miré a mi esposo y le dije: Robert me voy a morir. For this I was a very big golpe, it impacted a lot and also for my mom.

The nurse who was allowed in the ambulance brought me very, very well, I said: I will not be able to breathe, I will breathe, at the moment I will have oxygen in the ambulance and I will drive to the hospital. When I learned that the nurse said: This patient is in therapy, no matter what the day, but he will answer: if you have any therapy, you have to give it to me in therapy.

I believe that iban corriendo conmigo en la camilla hasta therapy, vi los crystals, vi a lo lejos como un doctor, cerré los ojos y no los abrí más. Estowed in the Naval Hospital from 6 to 28 April, entered a critical, grave state, with a pilgrimage to life, all stubbornly in therapy since entering the hospital hallway. Estuve intubada 18 días, the medicines not contaban conmigo, poro yo do not respond to the medicines, in which influian my enfermedades, one of them is the Cushing’s Syndrome, also hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2.

During the time I was in a coma I did not feel anything, anything, what I was doing. After the 18 days that you had been intubated, I did not respond, I was taken to the salon and I had the tracheotomy and I was told that I wanted to react. I’ve been a rare sueño, who was in fashion, algae daba vueltas y habían muchos vestidos lindos de todos los colores y me decían: tienes que ponerte el blanco y yo me ponía el morado y veía el azul y al final abrí los ojos y lo primero que dije fue: water. A nurse tells me: tranquil, tranquil, that everything is fine.

The first thing the doctor asked me was: Is my family here? I live with my mom, I have 93 years old, with my wife and with me. Thank God, they will not fight the virus. That’s me alivió mucho.

Beatriz’s doctor always tells me: Mileidys, the world that you are a warrior, you are fortunate, but I do not know why I say it. El Dr. Rafael always works, todos ellos pasaban y me decían: Mileidys, te han llamado lotas personas, hay mucha gente que te quiere. I was asked by Robert, who is my wife. Luego empecé: tengo hambre, denme yoghurt. They say that since they reacted, I was able to ask for it.

This is very sad, unpleasant, even though it is never going to happen. I really want to make sure that it is a very bad experience, very unpleasant and very sad. If you are very careful and follow all the rules that are in place to avoid catching this virus, then it is very difficult for the person you are cohabiting with, in addition to the family that suffers and the doctors who are not able to help you, they always quieren salvar todas las vidas. If so, when a sale is made, it will pay homage to what it has done and will help you to recover, to have a receipt.

I would like to join the team of nurses, casi todos ellos eran hombres, y siempre estuvieron conmigo apoyándome, me animaban mucho, quisiera agradecer en especial al enfermero Ernesto Rivera que estuvo conmigo todo el tiempo, como digo yo, nunca me soltó de la mano, y al enmer estuvieron conmigo durante mi estancia; but also to the demas, to all those who studied in one form or another, we also agreed and all the board of directors of Hospital Naval.

In all of these doctors and in this case, much like the doctors of therapy who are known to conjure, make their names clear, because they have the likes to be alive: the doctor Beatriz Santiesteban, Daniela Olivo, Ariadna Sánchez, Rafael Venegas Rodr , él solía decirme la reina Mileydis), Raúl Santana Sánchez, Pedro Aroche Díaz y Rubén Peña Ruiz. Each day the agradezco me hayan salvado la vida, because I sincerely want to nacer, much like the Cuban medicine, to all the scientists, the governor of Cuba that we have supported, for me I am a logo, a milagro of the Cuban medicine ”.

* Testimony of Mileidys Santana Guzmán for the documentary “Parallel Stories”

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