Mike Pence’s announcement will be his new job following the release of Casa Blanca

The former Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence.  Photo: Melina Mara / Pool via REUTERS
The former Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence. Photo: Melina Mara / Pool via REUTERS

The 20th anniversary of this year, in which case the mandate transfer and the presidential resignation of Joe Biden in the United States, Mike Pence, will take place as mayor’s candidate of what he hopes will be. If this is the second most important post in North American country politics, then President Donald Trump’s entourage will not be present at the ceremony. the convergence in the car sig sig of the salient administration and the framework to guarantee a transition the most pacific possible.

This was the culmination of two weeks in which Pence was at the center of the political frenzy that took place in the United States. During the previous days, he received pressure to remove the 25-foot-tall Presidential trident on his way to the Capitol of January 6. No lo hizo, pero tampoco salió ‘n verdediger’ n Trump, cuyas presiones para invalidat de certification de la presidential eleczaco poco antes de que seguidores del mandatario intentionaran tomar la sede del Poder Legislativo. In some ways, Pence will distance himself from his political partner during the last weeks of the presidency.

And at one point the Republican Party defines what will be its future identity, the former vice president announced his next steps.

Pence is from today the new incorporation of the Heritage Foundation, the mayor dinkskrum (think center) conservator of the United States. Specifically, converts to assessor in the institution, which accounts with an enormous power to the hour of editing new lies. There will also be a number of foundations of the Foundation and a seminal column in the publication of the Heritage, the Daily signal.

The Heritage Foundation is an insignia of the Conservative Movement and it is very honorable to join them in assessing the quality of supporting conservative policies that will help all states. I would love to be able to work with the stealing team of Heritage in themes like having a strong national defense, free markets and traditional values”, Declared Pence respectful in a communication.

Pence together with the current Vice President, Kamala Harris.  Photo: David Tulis / Pool via REUTERS
Pence together with the current Vice President, Kamala Harris. Photo: David Tulis / Pool via REUTERS

Washington will pay to be reinstalled in the state that governs antes to salt on the National Plan, Indiana. From here, we will be launching a fundraising committee to support political causes -no candidates in particular- have said they are working to get Republican banks in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in the 2022 Legislative Elections.

It will also take some time to connect with the electorate directly. Next month we will launch a podcast.

The Young America -YAF Foundation for its English Sails – which concentrates on young conservators producing the program that Pence will host one of its passions: the radio (although in the more modern version of the podcast). 22 year old ex-vice president tenía su propio programa radiaal.

This foundation was created in the 60’s decade and is defined as a group of Ronald Reagan’s conservatives.

“Vice President Pence has a great defender of individual liberties, traditional values, free markets, and a governing body limited in the length of its career distinction in public services. At the YAF, Vice President Pence will continue to name names and co-ordinate young people in the cause. His enthusiasm for Ronald Reagan’s values ​​inspires a new generation, ”assured Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, President of YAF, in a statement.

However, more than one activity during the next two years, many hope that we will launch a campaign for the presidency in 2024, when Republican leaflets are likely to be debated if Donald Trump continues to be one of the party’s exclusive figures.

The best theme:

Mike Pence, the Vice President, on the Final of the Mandate, says “no” to the President
