Mike Pence will assist Joe Biden in the job

Washington /

The Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, will attend the ceremony of electio presidential investment Joe Biden, following the information on Saturday, said that the proxy, Donald Trump, would like to ensure that he does not take part in the act.

Relations between Trump and Pence have been deteriorating since Vice President confirmed Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in November’s presidential election, ahead of the Capitol’s chambers and a year later. violencia of Washington.

A turmoil of Trump’s partisans has broken out in the Capitol, because it’s tussle to interrupt the sessions. Five people have died in these attacks, of which the Republican president is accused of inciting with its statements.

Saturday, multiple press releases to ensure that Pence decides to assist Biden’s investor on January 20, citing high-level government officials.

The president-elect announced that Mike Pence was present at the ceremony, adding that Trump had announced his inauguration at the event, in which he posted his latest message on Twitter before announcing his resignation.

Due to the pandemic, Biden’s position is shown in a reduced format.

Through the violations of January 6, the president will be able to appear from Monday to a second restitution process.

Donald Trump has lodged an objection to the Congress of a decision-making process, initiated by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, a 2019 final.

If the accusation has been made in Ukraine to initiate an investigation into corruption against its rival Biden, it was decided by the Senate, the Republican mayor, in 2020.

