Mike Pence reloads las llamadas a destination of Trump and abra la puerta al ‘impeachment’ | US Elections

President Trump follows Vice President Pence.
President Trump follows Vice President Pence.SHAWN THEW / POOL / EFE

Vice President Mike Pence has read out the speeches by Democratic lawmakers promoting the Trump Trump reshuffle. The negative of Pence, expressed on the map of the leader of the Democratic Mayor in the Chamber of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, is known hours before that the Chamber will be able to vote, this March at night, a resolution in which formally soliciting Vice President Mike Pence to convene the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to declare President Trump incapable of meeting his duties and obligations and despair of these. In the event that the 24-hour term of office of the Vice-President does not intervene, the Democrats will announce that the voters will vote in the second term. accusation of the President, to treat that the Senate the district, the week before the end of his term and the elected President Joe Biden is invested.

“I did not give in to the pressure to possess more power than my constitutional authority,” said Pende in his card to Pelosi, “and he did not give in to the desires of the Chamber of Deputies to play political games at a moment’s notice. life of our nation ”. Reassignment of the possibility of a grant by means of the 25th antecedents visa including the place that the congressmen take over, the life for the impeachment that is being paid.

Vice President Pence proposed Trump as president and president. The case of an unscrupulous cell makes the limits of the powders of his cargo, as dice in his card. Between the limited powers that the constitutional law provides that the only cargo electrified at the national level in addition to the President’s proposal, the content appears in the 25th submission: the power to transmit to the legislative chambers a written declaration, approved Mayor of the Executive members of the Executive, of which the President “is incapable of completing the powers and obligations of his cargo”, immediately assuming the proposal of the Vice President dichos powers and obligations as “interim president”. The protest sent to Pence by the congressmen pony to test the relationship, rayana in servilismo, that the numbers that contain the Republican candidacy cartel in 2016 and 2020 he maintained in these convulsive four years. A relationship that, in these last weeks, has taken a clear manner.

If there was a chance that Pence would decide to move to Trump in the final, and go down in history as a very powerful 46º President of the United States, it would be less than enough to extinguish the night. Ambos will meet at the Despacho Oval and, following the Administration’s recommendations, will compromise and follow along with “what is mandated”. It is clear that the reunion will be the first interaction between both sides of the aisle at the Capitol, revealing the insurmountable deterrent to Trump’s confidence in who has been one of his many scoundrels.

The enactment began on December 15, when some agreed with Trump that Pence would be his ultimate hope for reversing the results of the November 3 election. The Vice President’s objection to the vote in the Congressional Electoral College’s vote is a conversion to an obsession with Trump. Pence studied the probability with constitutional experts, which coincided with being considered invaluable. The team of the vice president supo, según The Washington Post, that Trump’s lawyers are preparing a lawsuit against him. He claims that Pence is suing lawyers in the Department of Justice to neutralize the claim, according to the Post, enfureció aún más a Trump.

The Pence presidency included a parade on the eve of the same March 6th year, the day before which the Vice President would preside over the Senate for the certification of election results. Despite the negative of Pence, the president publicly resented him. “Mike Pence did not deny the value of what he had to do to protect our country from the Constitution,” he said on 13.24. For this time, the Trumpet hordes, arranged by the President and the President of the Congress. “Where is Pence?”, Gritaban los sublevados. The Vice President has been evacuated from the Senate and is being held in a secret location of the Capitol. The president did not call it Pence to find out if it was found well. These are not the following days.

The president announced that he would not be assisting in the job placement of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the closest school. Pence, without embarrassment, confirmed that he would be acquitted. The Vice President has been on Trump’s side during the crisis. These are included in order to eliminate the waves in front of the erratic response of the White House to the coronavirus crisis, transiting with the destruction of the system between the president and the president’s salaries. Now, his distance with the trumpet-based arrogant bases is inconsistent with his unspoken presidential aspirations.

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