Mike Pence lama in Kamala Harris, while Trump continues to negotiate

(CNN) –– A visit to the telephone operators of the Casa Blanca, conducted by the soldiers in the bases of all the countries, does not greet the national guards positioned to the position and work by telephone with his successor.

The other is ignited, silenced in the social speeches, resists the suffixes for a discourse of despair and negligence to deal with the man who won the elections.

The forms in which, respectively, Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, President Donald Trump, terminate their mandates in the White House are in stark contrast.

One way is definitely more presidential than the other.

Although a prolonged period of distance between them, despite the fact that Trump called Pence a “ma *****” and the vapuleo front to a multitude that was disrupted in the Capitol of EE.UU. for perseguirlo. But now, Trump and Pence are mixed.

Without embarrassment, many in Pence’s orbit are furious about the way Trump behaves in the face of the intention of insurrection. A situation in which the agitators will only meet for the second time with Pence and his family in the Senate’s passages. Trump did not call to review Pence’s security during the terrible experience.

Y, although volvieron a hablar, los dos malbres se encuentran en chaminos completely divergentes durat elasas de su administraón.

These jews, Pence spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris for the first time. Contact has been made by more than one level between the two administrations. His conversation was described as cordial, followed by a person familiar with the matter. According to the source, Pence accepted his congratulations and assistance. The diary The New York Times information for the first time about the conversation.

For his part, Trump has rescinded all of Biden’s courtesy biases, which technically did not conclude the formal victory. The President is opposed to inviting Biden to the White House for a post-election meeting that is traditional. Tampoco lo llamó por telephone. And it is not hoped that it will receive in the White House the day of the vacancy. Trump said in private that he had approached Biden, another person who had discussed the matter with him.

To lodge the welcome to Biden at the White House and to share a car during the vacancy ceremony, Trump plans to sell the residence on the 20th of January. It is predicted to take part in a dispatch at Base Andrews’s base and flight to Palm Beach aboard Air Force One. All before that Biden was positioned as President number 46 of the EU.UU. Including the use of Blair House, the accommodation of presidential guests, provided by the Department of State in the run-up to the inauguration to formally bid on the Biden.

Pence, mientras tanto, planea assistir a la toma de position.

In the last days, Pence has surpassed as a more visible figure than the president. Precisely, Trump only appeared in videos produced by Casa Blanca staff. Although many of Trump’s assessors have tried to deliver a discourse, he’s alive or grabbed, he appears disinterested and evasive. Has expressed an extreme car composition, only people familiar with the conversations. And he also wanted more hosco because more Republicans did not defend him, from agreeing to the sources.

Pence, who is among the assessors who will align the president to condemn more vigorously the disturbances of the past week, has adopted a more elegant perspective.

During a salute to the late ones, he joined the group of telephone operators of the Casa Blanca working in the New Office of the Executive Officers on the other side of the hall of the Casa Blanca. The shelf presents months of challenge and a card of appreciation marked.

From here, you will find the seat of the Federal Agency for the Emergency Management Agency for an information session on the security of the staff. Trump also received the information session this week at the White House, but did not address the issues in depth.

«All lives this day 6th of January. And as we have clearly seen the President, we will compromise with an orderly transition and with a secure position of position, “he said, sending a blanket of a flanked knife through a stadium banner. “The people in the stadium do not see me again”, added.

Before returning to the White House, Pence was detained to receive the apostate soldiers from the Capitol, one week before the Vice-President had been arrested in a place where the agitated agitators had been arrested.

“God forbid,” they say. “Have a great honor to serve as your Vice President.”

Pence is using the Air Force Two extensively in its last days. Volo to Virginia Occidental is celebrating the funeral of Chuck Yeager’s pilot. All, I say to the assistants who express their most chanted song “in the name of the President of the United States”.

También will also travel to military installations during the end of the week. First, at the Lemoore Aeronautical Station in California, Saturday to comment on the Trump administration’s exterior policies. Located in Fort Drum, New York, it is home to direct the troops of the 10th Montaña Division that is regressing recently in Afghanistan.

The record of Trump’s messages about his legacy in foreign policy is in the form of a statement sent by e-mail to these Jews. “The military tropes of the United States in Afghanistan are at least 19 years old. Asimismo, Iraq and Syria also stand at the most difficult point in many years. Always compromised to detain intermittent wars. Have a great honor reconstructing our Ejército and supporting our valentines men and women in uniform. One 2.5 billion dollars in inverted dollars, including new equipment, all manufactured in EE.UU. », Is pronounced in the pronunciation.

The Paris Declaration is a substitute for what another mode has been around for a while, and Trump did not hesitate to permanently expose it on Twitter.
