Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, calls COVID-19 vaccine ‘Mark of the Beast Stuff’

Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, called the COVID-19 vaccine a sign of the animal good on Saturday and threatened to sue Dominion Voting Systems for allegedly ‘suppressing the truth’ about election fraud.

Lindell made the remarks in an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic podcast, one day after the release of Absolute proof, his two-hour election fraud “documentary”. During the interview, Lindell opposed ‘canceling culture’, the vaccine and closure measures introduced to alleviate the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think we’re going on a communist path, socialism is coming here, everyone can see what happened in Nazi Germany. I mean it’s – we’m going down – it’s happening as fast as I see and experience the cancellation of people, canceling people’s jobs, it does not exist, ‘he said.

Mike Lindell speaks in the White House
Michael J. Lindell, CEO of MyPillow Inc., speaks during the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, at the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 30, 2020.
Mandel Ngan / Getty

Lindell further claims that the COVID-19 vaccine was the ‘mark of the beast’ – a prophecy mentioned in chapter 13, verse 18 of the biblical Book of Revelation.

“Now it’s this ‘One World Order’, these things are in Revelation. You know that’s what I’m talking about, and you combine that with this vaccine, that’s characteristic of the beast,” he said. “I mean, it’s awful, it keeps us indoors.”

The Bible verse has been interpreted in different ways throughout history. Some Christian sects believe that the mark refers to a tattoo or trademark that will impose anti-Christians on the world for the sake of control. Other sects believe that the sign symbolically signifies allegiance to a non-religious government.

Earlier in the interview, Lindell also pushed the idea of ​​suing Dominion Voting Systems. “I’ll go after them if it is – if there’s a way to do it, I’ll do it for the American people. We must. The truth must come out. If the truth does not come out here, if they suppress it persistently, what other profession do I have? “he said.” I must bring them to court. “

The remarks come after Dominion sent the bedding company a letter warning it of an impending lawsuit over its unconfirmed allegations of election fraud. Dominion spokesman Michael Steel told CNN on Sunday that “Lindell is begging to be sued, and we may oblige him at some point.”

Shortly after Lindell’s ‘documentary’ of the election fraud dropped on Friday, YouTube and Vimeo moved quickly to remove the film from their platforms. A YouTube spokesperson told Vice News that the content of the two-hour function violates our policy on the integrity of presidential elections.

The conservative media network One American News (OAN) aired the film on Friday with a 90-second disclaimer. “Mr. Lindell is the sole author and executive producer of this program and is solely and exclusively responsible for its content,” it reads. “This program is not the product of OAN’s reporting.”

Newsweek Lindell’s representatives reached out for further comment.
