Miguel Herrera sueña con dirigir a un grande en Europa; no MX League Projects Descriptions

It looks like a superstructure is disappearing on the part of the Tuzos del Pachuca, quares estarían considering a Miguel ‘El Piojo’ Herrera for sustituir a Paulo Pezzolano in the cargo, the ex timonel of Club America spoke about the projects that the gustaría assume inside the Mexican Football, accepting that the sueño de dar el salto a Europa sigue latente.

In an interview with Odín Ciani on ESPN, Herrera was questioned about his ability to direct in the MX League or in the extras, and that Piojo made sure that he would always be a top team technician in Europe, only for them the missing loto camino por recorrer.

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“Treat to emigrate to Europe, even if you have a lame, a team that needs the sports part to move on. Have to hope and choose a good project. I understand that because of what we have, we can choose a good project. ”

“In the Mexican league there are many, any team that has an important and attractive project, but I would like to lead in Europe, in the big ones, a top ten of the world, who does not want to be here, to learn something to do. power to transcend, the first is to treat emigrants and to go to these leagues and treat them to demonstrate and if they can not or cannot be offered, then you can continue to demonstrate while they are working ”, commented the Piojo.

Herrera recalls that he did not give the jump to the foreign debt that the sports offers offered in the country, given that the economic theme is a factor that he has freaked out, then he has offered offers of football in Arabia and China, for projects no. the convencieron.

Miguel Herrera will direct to Club America?

As a matter of fact, Piojo Herrera accepts that regression will not be a problem for the Nido of the Eagles, in addition to the Mexican selection.

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