Miguel Herrera Initiates Millionaire Juice In America By Happiness Echo | Day of the Innocents

Despue that the Club America haya interrupted on his contract, at which point he quedaban three years and mid-duration, Miguel Ernesto Herrera decided to initiate a multi-million dollar judgment in Más Grande so that one can subscribe to the totality of the same …

Encouraged by the drastic determination of the directive and enforced because the brindaron issued explanations for this, the Piojo does not comply with the liquidation granted more than the bonus bonuses and some extra fees on the part of Televisa.

The reunion in one of the disputes of the Nido de Coapa in which the communiqué made the sad decision to the globalist strategist was integrated by the protagonist, the President of Deportivo Santiago Baños and his husband Joaquín Balcárcel, former Vice-President of the company in charge of the Ame and current member of the executive staff.

El pedido del ex Atlante y Tijuana raise the five million dollars Approximately, if the azulcremas are not present, they will deal with the latest consequences in the judicial authorities. For the sake of clarity, the Capitalina entity is also charged with the economic sanction imposed by Concacaf on its scandalous front to Los Angeles FC. Elimination in the Semifinals of the Concachampions.

Tranquilo, Piojo!

* If this notice appears difficult to create it is in reality a broma by the Day of the Innocent Saints. ¡Inocente palomita que te dejaste engañar!
