Miguel Díaz-Canel could convert into the most powerful man in Cuba

The Cuban Communist Party of Governors (PCC) will take over this month the renovation of its principal leagues and, to complete the official agreement, President Miguel Díaz-Canel will replace Raúl Castro and can convert to the most powerful man in the structure de mando en la isla.

The cambio is hopeful for the next congress of the PCC, contemplated from 16 to 19 April, the same tambian is hoping to get rid of the coronavirus pandemic.

For some experts, Díaz-Canel, who is 60 years old, will be very disappointed in the internal and without perspective clear will be the relations with the United States, being a right not to mention that, in which case Joe Biden’s mandate , no annulment of any of the 250 sanctions imposed on Cuba by Donald Trump’s previous administration.

With millions of millions of free pesos in free trades and the development of five vacancies against covid-19, Cuba has since the 2019 finals a lack of liquidity and productivity that the governing body treat to mediate the mayor’s economic reform taken in the middle of the week, but without results of great magnitude and with a high social impact on the increase in the cost of living.

‘Esa reforma contains errors in the (centralized) design of prices and a realization of the realization of the conditions of production of the country (…) Of the 358 state entities operating in the agro-sector of Cuba, the 44th are for unprofitable result of another passage “, said the Doctor of Economic Sciences, Pedro Monreal.

Three years ago, when Díaz-Canel entered the presidency of the province and the state, Raúl Castro says that he was “the only soreviviente” of the young which is prepared to assume the leadership of the nation, and aggregates the decision that “when you can fail to assume the condition of President of the Councils of State and Ministers and First Secretary of the PCC”, aspiration that has at the moment not changed .

According to official dates, the oath of allegiance to all party leaders is 42.5 years; the 76.5 per cent is less than five years old in its loads and with more than 10 (time limit), only 6.9 per cent, concentrated at the national level (mandated).

The power structure

Fidel Castro, who retired in 2006 from the public outcry and bankruptcy in 2016, and his son Raúl, conducted the destinations of Cuba as part of the Triumph of the Revolution in 1959. When he last joined the PCC board, he spent time in the cambio generational that comes uncurried step by step more than one decade.

According to the mandate structure in the island, without comparison with the scheming schemes in other countries of America by its single party system, the first secretary of the PCC, responsibilities that assume first Fidel and then Raúl, is subordinate to the presidencies of the governor and of the state, has the high military mandates.

“Cuba has a country dominated by strong men,” said academic Arturo López-Levy. There are so many diplomats and political scientists as Cubans who coincide in stating that “Raúl always held the ultimate word in decisions of Díaz-Canel in the governorate and probably the link will mean the health of the company when the PCC board is entrenched ”.

“The men of the hamacas”

For the Cuban chronicler Ángel Tomás González (1946-2019) hasta 2006, “los Cuban strong men durmieron in hamacas to the same as Fidel and Raúl in the times of the guerrillas ”. The six of them are integrated into the Political Bureau (BP) of the PCC, the main college of the country’s directorate

The 17-member office of Raúl Castro (90 years old in June), as First Secretary of the PCC and second in command of the guerrillas José Ramón Machado Ventura, 90 years old.

It was composed by the Commander of the Revolution Ramiro Valdés (88 years), the only sovereign joint with Raúl in the BP of the asalto in the Moncada district (1953), considered the initiation of the revolution, and the December of the yate Granma (1956). Also including the former guerrillas now are Leopoldo Cintra Frías, Ramón Espinosa and Álvaro López Miera, minister, deputy minister and deputy mayor of the armed forces respectively, with oaths oscillating between 77 and 83 years.

The second exchange of transcendence, however, is to be found with the anniversaries of Machado Ventura, which he identifies with the sector within the PCC, and of Valdés, who is also Deputy Prime Minister. I would like to hope for the final composition of BP, maintained in hermetic silence until today, in order to seriously evaluate the relations between the future leader of the PCC and its second mandate, as with the “men of the hamacas” that can be front of the armed forces.

