Migration: Regulation of 1.7 million Venezuelans in Colombia stimulates Duque’s international agenda | International

Some migrants from Venezuelan cruzan rumbo to Colombia, near international crossing Simón Bolívar, and an image of 2019.
Some migrants from Venezuelan cruzan rumbo to Colombia, near international crossing Simón Bolívar, and an image of 2019.Fernando Vergara / AP

Ivan Duque dio el lunes une golfe de efecto que pone a Colombia a la vanguardia de las migratar politicias en América Latina y le concede a su Gobierno una ansienlike reputatio ning reputation as the principal pais de acogida de la diaspora de la vecina Venezuela. The president announced a temporary statute for protection with a ten-year-old vigil that proposes to regularize about a million undocumented Venezuelan migrants that he encounters in the country, the most affected by the exodus.

The National Temporary Protection Act for Venezuelan Migrants (ETPV) is a plan to integrate into this population and allow access to the mayor facilitating a formal work, education or health, precisely in the wake of the massive evacuation of people who are in need. the Gobierno previewed the next February 20th. In summary, the legal mechanism announced during the opening of the service offer of the State and, with the passage of time, will benefit more than 1.7 million Venezuelan citizens who are located in Colombia, especially in 966,714 December 2020 institute in irregular situation, in agreement with the figures of the migratory authorities. When they get the age of ten years, the Venezuelan citizens can obtain a residence visa if they decide to quit.

The Duke proposal presented the ETPV as an example for other countries in the region adopting semantic and repatriating policies and repeating one more word on how the international community contributes resources and offers to the poor. “With this Colombia reaffirms its love and its response to all the Venezuelan people who have been victims of this tragedy,” he said in reference to Nicobás Maduro’s Governor, who was radically frustrated. The Colombian president will announce the power in August 2018 with the promise of a heirloom of Hugo Chávez, which he did not recognize. His unrestricted support for the opposition led by Juan Guaidó has raised the tension between countries that include a front of more than 2,200 kilometers of difficult control and a line of informal steps.

The announcement of the permission to Duque change the focus of the public debate at the moment in which the critical numbers of his Gobierno reclaim the recruitment of the violence in distant regions of the country, the incessant assassination of social leaders and firefighters who fired the FARC and the response in the initiation of the vacancy front to other countries of the region.

The global elogios fueron casi inmediatos. “This important act of solidarity has, at least a few tens of millions of refugees and migrants in the region, been able to formally access services and contribute to the Colombian economy,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The High Commission of the United Nations for Refugees, the Italian Filippo Grandi, who accompanied Duke during the announcement in the House of Nariño, the classification as “the most important humanitarian act that has taken place in the continent of the Cartagena Declaration [sobre refugiados] of 1984 ”. The congratulatory message included the Secretary of State of the State, Antony Blinken, the Ambassador of the European Union in Colombia, Patricia Llombart, who considered “a solidarity decision, validity and no precedents”.

Duke was elected with an unprecedented number of tens of thousands of votes, including the shadow of former President Alvaro Uribe, his political mentor and the most critical critic of the agreement that Juan Manuel Santos made with the FARC, which was disarmed and converted into a political party. Since then, there has been a prolonged crisis of popularity, including the onset of 2019 in the wake of protests that have swept the country. Soloian analysts agree that his Gobierno rumor caricature has defined that the pandemic transcends the political agenda.

During a conclave of my passing in the presidential election of Hato Grande, a few kilometers from Bogotá, the Gobierno property saw the economic recovery and the massive evacuation of Colombians with the priorities of this year, the last year of the 2022 election. Temporary protection offers a much more sanitary horizon in order to include the migrant population in the evacuation plans, and with its vigor of 10 years also allows the Duque to project more than one year and the middle of the mandate.

The media has to do with Gobierno’s reputation, says political scientist and internationalist Sandra Borda. Due to the dubious implementation of the peace agreement, serious problems have arisen such as the assessment of social leaders, recorded as “now we have a mandate that is implementing a migration policy without delay”, and it is “the catapult in the international stage” . It is also an electoral decision, lamentable to prove an Executive Conservator when the parties in the world tend to have an anti-immigration discourse to find that it is profitable in the polls, he advised. The international pressure to implement the agreements and defend human rights has been made by Duque “it would be better to refute the argument that no one is in favor of the migrants”, he concluded.
