Migration Crisis: The drama that spews Wilton’s story, the nicaragüense abandoned on the front on EE UU

On the islands of the world, Wilton was a Nicaraguan migrant who was abandoned in a Texas semi-desert area. The nineteen-year-old appeared on my principles in a video that went viral on the peddler helping out with a Patrol Fronteriza agent. His image was converted into a symbol of the first migratory crisis that afflicted Joe Biden’s Governor. Peru su historia revela una tragedia burgemeester: comienza con una huida junto a su madre, que trataba de escapar del acoso y la violencia de su expareja, desde las montañas de El Rama —en la Costa Caribe Sur nicaragüense—, y termina con un secuestro in the Mexican northern front. THE PAÍS travels to the community of origins of the migrants to reconstruct the history of mother and daughter.

A maximum of 3,000 kilometers from the frontier between the United States and Mexico, in a deep commune community located in El Rama, Socorro Leiva suffers a shock al ver a su nieto llorando en horario central en un telediario local. She completely ignored the fact that her husband, Meylin Obregón Leiva, had moved with the mayor of his two states to the United States. The abuela of 66 years ago descended. “I’ve been watching the scene when I heard a grit in front of the television: ‘Socorro, come, ve!, This is meylin’s hijo’, me dijo. In effect, it was my niece. In a mania tree a bulge and pedal auxiliary ”, Leiva relates to EL PAÍS in his house, located in the El Paraíso store, of which, according to account, mother and he pay to escape a violent march.

Ambos consiguieron llegar a territorio estadounidense, pero con la frontera cerrada a nuosos cases de asylum, fueron devueltos casi medmediate de México y cayeron en manos de un cartel que los sequuestro. Poco despues, in Miami, Misael Obregón, Meylin’s herman and Wilton’s, and who helped the migrants to finance the journey, received the first extortionist. The pedian is $ 5,000 per cabeza. It can only pay the average of the rescate and agree with the mother who cruises to EE UU at the age of 10 years. Released by its captors, the minor was found on April 1 by the frontline agent who grabbed the video that went viral. The desirability of migrants abandoned in the midst of desertion and pending auxiliary convoy to EE UU and Central America and is a symbol of the drama of the first migratory crisis that engulfed Joe Biden’s Governor.

As of March alone, the Frontier Patrol had reached more than 172,000 undocumented, mostly Central American. It was taken from the highest digit recorded in a month in 15 years. According to the Mayor of his migrants, he was expelled by Title 42 of the United States Code of Conduct invoked by Donald Trump on the pandemic and that Biden maintained, salvage some exceptions as to the unaccompanied minors who collapsed the system of acogida estadounidense. The devils, like Wilton and his mother, are wreaking havoc on the mafia-style macaque that is being unveiled in this zone of the northern Mexican front.

A skin of gender violence

In its remote community of origin is the other part of the tragedy. Mr Meylin Obregón’s allied with his mayor’s mayor, Wilton,’s because he felt he had no options for living in peace. Five days before embarking on his migratory journey, the mother-in-law of the Nicaraguan Fiscal Union has filed a lawsuit against the woman sitting next to her partner, Lázaro Gutiérrez Laguna. “I’m denouncing it all … In the statement, I do not want Lázaro to return to her, nor to anyone,” assured Leiva. “Fiscalía dio una orden para que el se presentara, pero no se presento. El acoso siguió y ella me dijo que no se podía quedar más en mi casa. Yo le pregunté por qué, si yo soy su madre y esta es su casa también. ‘Yo sé por qué te lo digo’, me dijo varias veces. I feel like she’s been stealing, but she’s not creating a lot.

Agreed to Leiva, his “hey of a bad relationship”, of a couple whose era is infiltrated, humiliated and maltreated. “I love the finish of the finca every year. Le restregaba las mujeres en la cara; una vez le echo las vacas encima. I am not sure if the approval is physical, but this man is what he wants to do. She goes back to the lair of Lázaro for love to her wives, but after two years of relationship, she has no more support ”, assures the abuela.

In front of the house of Socorro Leiva finds a billiard, where the wife of her daughter Meylin llegaba a acosarle when she was at the house of her mother looking for refuge.
In front of Socorro Leiva’s house finds a billiard, where the wife of her wife Meylin llegaba acosarle when she was at her mother’s house looking for refuge.Carlos Herrera

Before he joined the Fiscalía, Leiva obliged Gutiérrez Laguna to sign an Evangelical pastor card and a Communist leader of El Paraíso in order to compromise more with his parish. Pero no surtió efectos. “She has a lot of money for her,” said Wilton’s father. Meylin Obregón Leiva does not know much about his mother, but he decides to transfer his supremacy to his resident in Miami. Misael Obregón financed the irregular journey to end her husband’s calvary, imagining that she was being led to another prison by the mafia. Ahora la mujer esta cautiva en “una bodega” sin lugar juxta el el de México, de acuerdo a su hermano, quien ha podido hablar con ella.

On the day that the PAIS visited Socorro Leiva in Paris, a distance of more than 300 kilometers from Managua, the local local television broadcast became disgraceful. ‘N Leiva le dijeron que su hija staba sequuestrada un un un mafia de’ coyotes’. In its community it has no electric energy and the cellular signal is apparently observed. Its unique worldwide connection is when the batteries are powered by solar panels that are activated and then connected to the Sankey brand.

“Hey, God bless me!”, Dijo Leiva to listen to the relationship of the presenter of news. The abuela is a mano on the pitch and out of the box to try to contain the llanto. Fue impossible. ‘Ya solo Dios con su poder puede librarla. In the manners of this people any one can succeed ”, dijo. ‘Si aquí [en Nicaragua] hubiera una ley que protegiera a las mujeres, tal vez mi hija no se hubiera ido ”, sostuvo.

Socorro Leiva mira in the telediario with the news of his hija.
Socorro Leiva mira in the telediario with the news of his hija. Carlos Herrera

In an interview with local media, Lázaro Gutiérrez Laguna made sure that he ended up exonerating him “due to problems” and that he agreed with her that Wilton would travel to EE UU. But the abuela lo negga y dice que el nio no quiso irse con su padre cuando ell traatto de arrebatárselo a la fuerza unos días antte que que Meylin se fuera. The other part of the couple is living in Nicaragua with her.

In the midst of these versions, Vice President Rosario Murillo has been very upset about the case of the minor left on the front. The voice of Daniel Ortega’s Governor has said that Nicaragua’s through “problems in the hog”, giving the margin of the violations of gender violations, an endemic that this year has covered the life of 19 women in this country, following the Catholic NGO by Derecho Decidir. In addition, the first lady informed that her governor had initiated management for the repatriation of nine years, which at the moment is in an alcove for minors not accompanied in Brownsville, Texas.

Leiva, without embarrassment, prefers that he does not live with his wife in Miami and that his wife does not have the right to live with his wife. “In this country when the matan [a las mujeres] hacen algo. Es and vano ”.

