Migrating cruzan double muro to EU and 4-minute menus

Tijuana /

Five migrants, with the help of people traffickers, the security of the frontier wall will be cleared and the illegal way of Tijuana will be cleared in San Diego, California, United States.

The illegal cross is hiccuped by the Mendoza Terraces faction in Tijuana Beaches, on Thursday the paths of the living are next to the walls metallic of six meters of height.

With a video, the migrants were captured using an escalator with cords to escalate the first wall.

Luego descenden mientras abrazan las barras de metal, después corren al segundo muro, donde ya los espera otrro traficante con otra escalera colocada.

Equally escalating and descending, all of them run straight to the urban area of ​​San Diego.

If they are arrested, they will be arrested by the authorities of the Patrol Fronteriza.

