Migrant protest causes temporary cross-border crossing

(CNN Español) – The United States Service of Defense and Frontier Protection of the United States (CBP) will close during March this week the passage of vehicles on the Santa Fe International Crossing, which is a Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) with El Paso (EE.UU.). The media is empty of the fact that a group of Cuban immigrants intends to join the movement to EE.UU. is March to apply for asylum, according to Kanaal 44.

The Director-General of the Frontiers’ Fideicomiso, Sergio Madero Villanueva, told Dijo on Canal 44 of Ciudad Juárez that on Tuesday at 20:00 PM local time (10 PM from Miami) a group of 300 extras including the cassette tapes and is directed to the superior part of the case, where decades of antitrust agents from the CBP will be found.

Without embargo, the stadium authority does not allow the entry: colocaron barricades of concrete and wall of puas to avoid his advance. By means of an alert, a message is issued stating that there will be continuous detention and prosecution.

(Credit: HERIKA MARTINEZ / AFP via Getty Images)

CBP dui op CNN este mércoles a traveau de un comunicado que las barricadas fueron retiradas durant la madrugada, y que el peatonal y vehicle regresó a la normality nuue horas despéde incident. It does not house Mexican federal agents and migrants abandon the site.

The Cuban group is also on Channel 44, which is looking to reach out to Mexican territory, including them, not to mention a well-trodden path and the fact that it is alive and well.

On February 28, 2020, something similar happened, but now, the cross border has been temporarily suspended.
