Migra deporta mexico me joven con nacionalidad estadunidense

The Power and Themes Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection (CBP, by its seal in English) will also be equivocated and amended against the proposed proposals. This is the case of Julio César Ovalle, who was arrested by Texas callers on July 11, 2018, when he was immediately detained by an agent of the colloquially known as ‘Migra’.

Julio, who has problems with hablar Engels debited to a leaning disability, showed the agent an identification that certifies that he was a citizen, which is not the official basto, who left his cell and left for the Service Detention Center Mig and Aduanas Control (ICE), and Cotulla, Texas.

Ovalle nació en 1994 in California, pero después se mudó con sus padres in Texas. In order to deal with all the documents that accreditaban his identity and citizenship, the CBP agent initiated the deportation process of Julio de mediated, without dejarlo ver a un abogado oa un juez. So, it seems we’ve been up to no good now and we’ve finally made it clear that we’ll be taking part in some deportations in some cases.

Agreed with case documents, to those MILENIO tuvo acceso, el agent staba convendio que Julio mentía et insistia en preguntas como: “¿Por donde cruzaste?” and “Are you crazy?”, while the young lady in California insists that she be careful and that including the podium show her passport. Pero lo unico que obtenía eran risas. The agent does not ask the permission to make a call to his father, so that he can help.

Julio passed the night alone at the station and on the other day transferred to Laredo, Texas. His father did not have any idea of ​​where he lived. I imagine that the authorities of his own country are at the point of mandarin to another country.

In Laredo, in July he hiccuped to make a series of documents that he did not intend, but those who accepted his deportation by being a migrant without legal status documents. Actu seguido, lo expulsaron junto con otros migrantes a Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Fue entonces que le devolvieron su celular y Julio, ultlyte, pudo hablarle a su padre. It was the first time that his fathers had been there since he had held the front porch.

Julio’s father told his wife that he was hoping to move to New Laredo’s migration offices and started traveling by car from San Antonio, Texas, to Julio’s documents, to where he was recovering.

Pero en ese lapso, ya en el lado mexicano, una van van van de jieron ser de un secuestraron al joven, se lo llevaron a una casa y pidieron un rescate por el. Including, dejaron messages are greeted for Julio’s family as they decide that Iban to matar si no heidense.

Enttones el papa de Julio acudió al Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI, by his seals in English) to demand that his hijack be rescued. The agency noted that, effectively, the young man was a citizen of the state and contacted Mexican authorities to rescue him, whoever had the other day, when his captors released him.

So, thanks to the FBI interview that Julio could go back to hogar … a week after being detained arbitrarily.

The relationship between these two is met with the request that Ovalle present against the CBP for the time being, in which case it is explained that Julio suffers from this emotional and stressful situation. It includes details that include suicidal ideation, and it is entirely debatable that a frontier agent acts on the basis of discrimination, in a racial and degrading politics profile, following the request, to any access. MILENIO.

For this reason, the governor will pay the compensation, both for the dates and violations to his right, as for the guests who have to realize to have an adequate defense. In this case, complications were raised due to the covid-19 pandemic, including the fact that it was repaired, because it was determined by procedural errors on the part of Ovalle’s defense.

