Mientras comenzaba el juicio politico, la junta de Palm Beach seunion para decir si Donald Trump puede vivir en Mar-a-Lago

Hail at the Andrews Base in Maryland, January 20, Trump installed, ahead of his successor, Joe Biden's, and Mar-a-Lago  (ALEX EDELMAN / AFP)
Hail at the Andrews Base in Maryland, January 20, Trump installs, ahead of his successor, Joe Biden’s, in Mar-a-Lago. (ALEX EDELMAN / AFP)

Mientras el Senado de los United States approve the constitutionality of political juicio against Donald Trump, in the city of Palm beach, in Florida, ediles se reunieron en una teleconferencia para debatir if the ex president can live in his private club, Mar-a-Lago. The audience support session followed by the vecinos objections of Trump who buys his properties in the vicinity of a club in which no permanent residents are allowed, and now have one with custodia del Servicio Secreto.

In addition, 30 years ago, Trump’s lawyer, door spokesman Paul Rampell, told the municipal junta that he does not live in Mar-a-Lago if he obtains the necessary permits to convert the property, which was a residence, into a club cuyos miembros solo podían occupy three periods without consecutive last days each one per year. I compromise, curiously, no fue included in the final text of the zoning order, the letter shall be kept by the republican.

The argument of Trump’s advocates is that technically the ex-president is an employee of the proprietary corporation of Mar-a-Lago, and the agreement written only forbids the members of the vivan alli club. Following other standards of Palm Beach City, one klub puede brindar residencia a sus empleados. The ediles listen to the tax, which generally agrees with the position of the representatives of the ex-mandate. Attention group also to the objections of the vecinos, establish that the decisive finals take place in April.

In 1993, Trump's attorney told the Palm Beach Municipal Junction that he would not live in Mar-a-Lago if he obtained the necessary permits to convert his residence into a club.  (REUTERS / Marco Bello)
In 1993, Trump’s attorney told the Palm Beach Municipal Junction that he would not live in Mar-a-Lago if he obtained the necessary permits to convert his residence into a club. (REUTERS / Marco Bello)

“I do not believe that a violation has been committed” in the text agreed in 1993, said Margaret Zeidman, President of the Support. And he added that “there is nothing that can be done to ban” that Trump viviera in Mar-a-Lago in addition to the owner, where Trump is installed from the hours before the announcement of his successor, Joe Biden, the 20th of January.

In his presentation, Municipal Fiscal John Randolph said the former president was complicit in the club’s requirements and, in the end, could live on. “This type, when the fireplace comes out, looks like the Al-Alde de Mar-a-Lago”, dijo.

John Marion, Trump’s spokesman, said: “It is always present. And the song. Supervise the property. Evaluate the schedule of employees, to what time it is. Suggest best in referring to the operation of the club. Analyze club finances. Assist with events at the club and welcome them to the invited guests. Le da la bienvenida y le agradece a todo el mundo que llega. Greetings to members who are invited when they leave. Recommend events to be held at the club. Suggest candidates for the membership and form the documentation that the concierge ”.

Philip Johnston, spokesman for the vecinos, said:
Philip Johnston, spokesman for the vecinos, said: “We believe that this agreement will make Mar-a-Lago a permanent cause for the most rabid and anarchic sympathizers,” Trump said. REUTERS / Carlos Barria

Geen is the first time that Trump finds the news of the deaths of his historic mansion, located in a space of six hectares in the Palm Beach Island, west of West Palm Beach and north of Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Antes de asumir in 2016, during the electoral campaign, has a installed mástil para la bandera cuyo tamaño gigantesco exceed the municipal limits of height. During his presidency hubo denuncias por Blocked roads and excessive traffic debited Trump’s frequent trips to his resort.

Mientras el ex mandatario miraba by television the procedures of his accusation —Segun dijo un membro del club a CBS 12— su abogado argumento que la promise de no vivir en Mar-a-Lago había sido hecha durante las negotiationes de 1993 y que las circunstancias han cambiado. Obligarlo a mudarse a otra propiedad cercana en Palm Beach seria más perturbador para los vecinos, dijo Marion. “It’s a debate right now, honestly,” he said.

If Trump has maintained a low profile since then, he has met with the leadership of the minority in the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, you have a former president of the Aficina del which opera in Palm Beach, inform Forbes. And although in principle it can be seen living in Mar-a-Lago last April, “some benefits will be paid to accompany the presidency: the Heliport installed in the club to accommodate the Marine One is already demolished”.

While the United States Senate approves the constitutionalization of political justice against Donald Trump, the Palm Beach support debate and the ex-president can live in his private club, Mar-a-Lago.  (EFE / Cristobal Herrera / Archive)
While the United States Senate approves the constitutionalization of political justice against Donald Trump, the Palm Beach support debate and the ex-president can live in his private club, Mar-a-Lago. (EFE / Cristobal Herrera / Archive)

Philip Johnston, Group Attorney Save Palm Beach, dijo que a vecinos les preocupa que la permanent residences de Trump en el lugar futría destroy the “refined” atmosphere of the exclusive island. “Creemos que este asunto amenaza con hacer de Mar-a-Lago un make it permanent for its most rabid and anarchic sympathizers ”, you already Son Sentinel.

Another representative of the vecinos, Reginald Stambaugh, said he helped many of his customers provided its properties with the idea that no member of the club could remain in this permanent manner. “I agree with the assurance to my clients that they can live pacifically and enjoy the privacy that others go to in the island,” he said.

In December, the letter of at least one other ticket of the club sent a map to the alcaldesa, Gail Coniglio, to demand that hiciera complete the 1993 agreement. “As far as the world is concerned, President Trump has violated the US Criteria for occupying Mar-a-Lago for as long as he allows,” the NPR quoted him as saying. “These infractions (and others) continue without the intervention of the city”.

According to the card, security was a problem of “enormous importance”, by issues associated with a looking at microondas that are known to cause permanent cerebral trauma and other debilitating lesions ”. The vecino, whose number is not mentioned, manifests “exhibition symptoms”, according to the abogado, and was preoccupied with the Significant devaluation of the property properties debit the violations of the Criteria de Uso ”.


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