Miembros abandons Mar-a-Lago tras derrota de Trump

New York (CNN Business) – Many Mar-a-Lago members are standing by because they have no connection with President Donald Trump, according to the author of the latest book about the Vacation Center.

“It’s a very animated city”, Laurence Leamer, historian and author of “Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump’s Presidential Palace”, the presenter of MSNBC Alex Witt and “Weekends with Alex Witt”. Dijo que los membros «not being preoccupied with politics and dijeron that the committee is not good».

Leamer said he had been linked to several old members who “were silent” despite Trump lifting the load.

Trump resigned from the Palm Beach, Florida property, after ending his term last week. Pero sin the prestige that the president of the United States offers work on the property, the owners then say that Mar-a-Lago lost a pass. There is no diversion in the property during the pandemic, and Leamer agreed: “It’s a sad place … it’s what it was.”

The decline in membership could mean that Trump receives a lower salary. President of the Cuando Trump era, as much as the pagan person, has US $ 200,000 a month from the Mar-a-Lago, señaló Leamer. Dijo que no creen que seguirán pagando ese precio.

Mar-a-Lago has been ridiculed for a long time by critics as a certified club of Trump scorers, some of them false. Nocturnal presenter Jimmy Kimmel related the fours’ visit to the resort just before Trump took over the presidency.

“It’s not possible to exaggerate the comedy it is,” Kimmel said in “The Bill Simmons Podcast” by The Ringer. «Todo el mundo ahí tiene 100 jaar».

Kimmel le dijo a Simmons que fue al resort hace unos seks aasos para cenar con Howard Stern, quien vivía cerca de la propiedad at ese moment. Beskryf ‘n los asistentes’ n Mar-a-Lago como “persons encovvadas que comen comida blanda” y dijo que el lugar est cubierto de fotos de Trump.

“It’s a terrible and terrible place,” said Kimmel. «And now he lives in this terrible place».

Trump’s hotels and hostels were severely affected during the coronavirus pandemic, but sales in the Mar-a-Lago complex have been increasing since last year, from US $ 21.4 million to US $ 24.2 million. . In 2019, the former president transferred his permanent residence to the Florida resort from Torre Trump in New York. But if there are any doubts about whether they will be allowed to live in permanent form, it will be possible to violate a 1993 agreement with the Palm Beach City Council.

“Including here, the people in the yard,” Leamer said, referring to Palm Beach residents, many of the votes cast by Trump with the hope of reducing taxes and keeping an eye on the value market. “It’s just another show that has diminished its power.”
