Microsoft may have fixed what was not broken with Windows 10 BSOD pushbutton

If you’re the kind of person who’s going to be amused to hear that a humble printer can blue screen your entire Windows 10 computer, here’s a dose of shady joy to welcome you over the weekend: when Microsoft tried fix the blue screen problems with a Monday patch, the patch may not have gone quite as planned – some users have started reporting that their printers are simply spitting out blank pages or pages with missing graphics.

The company has released a second patch to address these issues as well (via ZDNet):

Microsoft has identified an issue related to Windows 10 devices that applied the March 2021 security update that was released on March 9, 2021, and the out-of-band updates that were released on March 15, 2021, and a resolution was expedited . Affected devices may receive unexpected results when printing from some applications or to some printers. Issues may include: missing or effect color graphs, incorrect layout / formatting issues, or blank page / label printing.

Some users say it works, and may even fix some extra blue-screen computers. Some say they are still having problems. If you are affected, good luck to you!
