Microsoft may be planning new designs for Windows 10 programs

Last year, when Surface chief Panos Panay took over the Windows client and hardware, Microsoft experts felt that Microsoft had renewed its interest in its desktop operating system and that major changes would take place soon. The future is now, as we finally see things change under the Surface chief. Microsoft plans to deliver a major user interface for Windows 10 in 2021. Apart from that, the company can also introduce new designs for the Windows 10 shopping programs, according to new documentation published by Microsoft.

The documentation shows changes that may henceforth come to ListView, GridView, buttons and other elements in their non-resting state (selected, hovering, etc.) (Via WindowsLatest). “The new design will bring XAML Windows applications to the same level as existing web and mobile applications, while being known on Windows,” according to new documentation.

Inconsistency in design is one area in which Microsoft has been widely criticized. And the new design ideas look like another attempt by Microsoft to address this issue. In the documentation, the company also explained why there is a need to change the appearance of a switch, slider and rating control. According to the company, XAML controls are not in line with the development of web and mobile applications, and these new design ideas are intended to address this issue. You can see some of these changes in the images below.

However, it is noteworthy that these design ideas are suggestions only and are not in the testing phase, which means that Microsoft may or may not implement these design changes in Windows 10. The proposal gives us some hope that things can change for the better in the near future, nonetheless.

How many of you like the new design ideas? Let us know in the comments below.
