Microsoft makes another acquisition at Bethesda level this year

A reliable rumor claims that Microsoft is planning to buy out another major developer of video games similar to Bethesda.

Last year, Microsoft acquired Bethesda in one of the largest video game outlets ever. The Xbox creator bought Bethesda’s parent company ZeniMax for a total of $ 7.5 billion. In doing so, he has given himself exclusive ownership of popular game franchises such as Dropout and Skyrim, and what Bethesda will also create in the future. This was the kind of move that many Xbox fans hoped Microsoft would make, as the console suffered because there were not as many popular, exclusive games as the PlayStation.

Due to recent rumors, Microsoft is not happy with just Bethesda. Apparently, the corporation wants to add more major video game developers to its list. Exactly what companies Microsoft may be interested in remains a mystery, and there is nothing in recent vines to suggest that developers want to sell. Even if there were, it would be rumors like this, and would also have to be taken with a grain of salt.

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That said, the current rumor does have some credibility, as Xbox Ragna, an industry insider, supports it. Ragna claims that Microsoft would buy a very large game studio three weeks before Microsoft announced its Bethesda acquisition agreement. When this new rumor surfaced from the XboxEra gaming forum, Ragna agreed with the individual sharing it. He claims he does not know who the individual is, but he has been hearing the same thing for months and thinks Microsoft will announce the purchase by the end of this year or early next year.

Even without Ragna’s confirmation, however, it’s not hard to believe that Microsoft is preparing to buy more game studios. However big it may be, if Microsoft is going to go shopping, it does not make sense to stop at one developer. With that in mind, Microsoft’s profits rose dramatically after the release of the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S. That made it enough to buy Bethesda twice, so it had money to wave.

If Microsoft does buy another studio and it is of the same caliber as Bethesda, it could also encourage Sony to buy more studios. One of the more discussed advantages that PlayStation had over Xbox was that it had more well-known exclusives. As Microsoft buy more studios in response to this, it only makes sense that Sony retaliates, but what the outcome might look like remains to be seen.

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