Michelle and Mireddys: Ellas son las jefas

For a long time, Mireddys González has been driving the public eye. Exposing like Daddy Yankee’s wife was a boy in Raymond Ayala’s private life and, by far, his family.

Hoy, this girl is entreabierta and although guarding with a lot of her belongings, she must see the need to motivate other women to leave the rest day and day. And it’s done by its social networks, but on platforms like Instagram it raises the million followers and followers.

Where did you decide to go and showcase many aspects of your private life?

“My private life is a private life. In my speeches I decided to start a little more because I also have many things to say, and if my speeches are written I will be serious about not expressing myself and serve as an example to all those who follow me ”.

Many people think that it is easy for them to succeed in being who they are. What is the most difficult thing that has happened?

“The more difficult it is for him to become entangled in the same way, the more I feel for what I am like and not for the sake of being an artist. I would love for the people to know that I also work very hard to be able to log everywhere I propose ”.

It’s no secret that Mireddys has been a key figure in Daddy Yankee’s exit, with whom he has been intending to open a fireplace in the artistic medium, and so he reconciled. The couple, who last year celebrated their record booths, are one of the most solid in the world of spectacle, alejada of the scandalous.

‘Una reina cree en ti, no te desanima. A reina es leal, no thought in practice. A reina is like the ajedrez, always protege a su rey. A reinah like the one God gave me on the couch for nothing in the world. Hoy esta reina y yo cumplimos # 25 años de casados. Quizás mis fans me conozcan por ser el mejor pero yo soy fan de ella y te puedo dar fe, que ella es la mejor. In these difficult times, it is contagious with its love and it is my crown! @mireddys #bodasdeplata ”, shared Daddy Yankee, the“ Big Boss ”, in his social speeches.

Now is the turn of Mireddys, which launches as a company alongside its partner and best friend, Michelle “Michi” Matos, who has been dating for 22 years in the case of a lover.

“Fue amor a primera vista (sonríe). “I have created a bond that has been fortnightly endowed with the years”, explains Michelle. “Mireddys is a woman with a great fortitude, always being a toddler and nothing but me, she taught me much, much. It’s organized, because it’s never able to log, and it’s determined. I believe that we are different in many ways, because our love has lost so much because we can see the situations in which we have the life with different perspectives “, added.

A complement to the other, as can be seen in videos published in their respective social networks. “I admire much of the sense of humor, the fortitude that it has and will bring up the situations that it has brought to life on the truck. It’s a very positive woman and always, no matter what, look for something positive in everything ”, assures Mireddys.

Las pruebas han sido muchas para Michelle. Logró salir del cycle de violencia de généro and hace unes meses enfrentó la muerte del papa de su hija, el MDO Anthony Galindo, quien se quitó la vida.

What messages do you have for women who think they are all lost?

“In life, nothing happens, if everything has a divine plan, if all the situations that happen to us in the spirit of God all, absolutely everything, give a sense to your life, because what we have seen, about everything que me ha tocado vivir, pues pueden particularly. But as I am my only testimony, I applaud and congratulate all the days ”.

These live ones will be collected in a book, “Cicatrices”, which will be published in the finals of this month.

“It’s a relative of a bit of my story, the torments that some moment hubo and come can superimpose all, so a example of superiority and traverses of this book will leave a message that all the heirs of the alma mater who do not come to the pods convert to cicatrices, the cicatrices are the victor of which at any moment a herida alli pero ya sano, y si yo pude tod podemos ”.

What advice should be given to women who want to get out of the situation in which they may be hurting and failing to do so?

Mireddys: “What hablen! I believe that one of the situations that complicates things is that there are calls and no bushes thinking in that there are no salutes. Y sí las hooi; everything in this life has a solution ”.

Michelle: “Everything has a solution, like Mireddys, and we all have an internal force that is what we feel. Debemos buskar dentro de nosotros y proponernos tener una vida plena y feliz ”.

What does it mean to say: “the women do not help themselves”?

Michelle: “It’s impressive to learn many negative comments from a woman or another woman. In principle, it is shocking, but it is true that these women, in the face of reproach or reproach, have much to do with them, because their women are incomplete. One finds itself in the same way that it is safe to say that they will fail or they will go to them ”.

Mireddys: “There’s also a lot of vengeance things, if you know what you are and what your comments are.”

The chemistry between them led to a union with Melissa Guzmán (wife of Miguel Cotto) and his best friend, Sandra Santiago.

We are very close friends of Sandrita and Melissa. We always keep the maintenance of dogs in contact when our relationship with friends is like Michi and me. As a result of an accident, Sandrita had to stay in bed during the pandemic and increased some books. We believe that these products are attractive and the way in which a lot of people are impressive. “One day we will come and share our HiBody skills and we will appreciate the opportunity”, said Mireddys.

“Our intention is to be able to help all of these people log their metrics about everything in the weight loss. Many people ask me how I feel that I am holding the weight that is high in the day and that I am very victimized, if I want to have this product I have it very easy. Now, thanks to them he has been able to maintain and then he can do whatever he can, he can accept the women and be an inspirational motive for me ”, acota.

Specifically, the social networks helped him to negotiate the deal. Sondeverbod, también las exponen a comment malientcionados.

How do you handle the criticisms?

Mireddys: “If it happens at this time that the hubiéramos will close the speeches, but if they say that the comments that I write and the people who speak in my speech are the ones that we admire and we write them good things, and they are the ones that one se lleva; lo negativo nee lo recibo y punto ”.

Michelle: “It’s a lot of things that depend on who we are and what we can do to help other people define what we really are. The important thing here is to know the value that teenagers have as human beings, and when they find this value they believe that no negative comment can be made that they can not read. ”

A time has passed that more than money will give you the help you need to invest in a business.

Mireddys: “We have always been helpful and helpful in all that Puerto Rico has to offer. Every time you help someone who has published, but in the same way that you help those who need it, you just have to help those young people or people who want to negotiate and have nothing to do with it ”.

Juntas son más fuertes, aseguran, y las buenas vibras de quienes las siguen las motivan a seguir haciendo lo que hacen. “Thank you for the support, for all the points we make, for being part of our team, a team where we help one another to be able to stay where we want to be,” doubled Mireddys.

“Thank you for always supporting me and for my messages and messages. I do not have much more to do than to feel admiration for another and not envy. Let’s start with the admirers, ‘n entender that all tenemos have the same opportunities and that on this planet has space for all. “While we love, we always love, we need to be proud of the phrase we say we love, some of us all have a good reputation for being human and loving,” concluded Michelle.
