Michel Kuri disembodied each time with MSOR by Lucero and on Instagram is the evidence

The best captive of love of Lucero appears to be good, since he has known his relationship with Michel Kuri, no han parade de manifestarse todo el cario que sinten el unor por eltro, a pesar de que lo han llevado de manera discret. Without embarrassment, the empress is the one who interferes with the guarantor to the four others all that are by the singer.

‘S Travs from his Instagram account, Kuri he shared with his followers the moments when he passed the stage of the actress. The same with the loaded mail messages.

Cabe says that his relationship is not new, since there are 10 of them saliendo and since then he notes that he charisma, belleza y voz de la artista lo tienen “comiendo de su mano”, pues l mismo ha dejado claro que no necesita a nadie ms que a ella.

The public “approves” the story

For the regular people, when they go to the tray directory of their favorite artists, they adopt a fundamental paper on what they do. In this case, many have thought that the pair (although separated from each other) Lucero-Mijares always live in the crowds of his fans and as they are happy never accept another person to support him. Prohibition of sin, and it is not necessary.

Some of the comments made by the couple are contrary to expectations for the happy accomplishments made as a couple. Others applaud the way they are Michel for cmo treat to the interpretation of “Electricity”, “Como t” y “Duea de tu amor”, pues no la pasa nadita mal a su lado.

Michel Kury and his posts on Instagram

Tres de copas, esta vida y t. Geen hooi nie, the empress commented on one of his photographic aunts’ lads. She, fiel a su costumere of not guard nada en su pecho le respondi Me lanzo en tus brazos sin paracadas Qu bonita es esta vida! A tu lado es maravillosa !.

Although there is no poet in the extension of the palabra, quiz because he follows the intimidating, not duda in pooner palabras clave como amor, msica, gracias, Dios, la vida es corta, “Luc”. Now Michel is in love with a lot of preparations.

