Michael Phelps’ husband died of depression after VIDEO

Mexico City /

Michael Phelps sigue combining day with day to the depression, enfermedad ha ha tocado fibres sensibles tanto de el como de su propia familia; including, el maximum Olympic medal list, thought about sharing life; before that, his wife broke the silence and shared the difficulty that she suffered with her situation.

“When Vanessa lost sight of Kobe, did he know he could look at Michael and say, ‘Can we help him?’ Porque si te pierdo, no sé que voy a hacer.

‘He has tenido algunos altibajos aterradores. This nurse never disappears. History has always been the theme: ‘Michael Phelps has been depressed, he’s been walking for a while, he’s got a bunch of olympics in Rio and he’s going to be perfect’. Ojalá fuera cierto. Create your own in ignorance ”, explains Nicole Phelps, interviewed with the diary ‘Vandag’.

Y es que Phelps cayó in maximum depression tras announce his retention after the Olympic Games of Rio in 2016; inclusive, it is said that the cause of the illness was the constant pressure that was at work.

I have a part of me that I do not want to live”, Dijo at the moment the 23rd Olympic champion.

Nicole Phelps related that he served at some point as a psychologist of his couple, all the way to the end of being overwhelmed by the depression he was acquiring.

Solia thinks that the podium is regulated, he is his therapist, that he needs it. Pero what he learns is that he can not take responsibility for how he feels, does not import the queries “, indicates.
